website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #18 Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2:15 PM-3:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 709, Oral
Oral Health Promotion, Tobacco Use
Chairpersons: S. NAGARAJAPPA and H.W. WHELTON
0076    Self-perception of Dental Appearance and Prophylactic Habits in Smoking Patients
H.A. COLOSI1, D. DUDEA1, J.F. LASSERRE2, A. SINCA3, B. CULIC1, M. VLAD3, and C. ALB1, 1Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2Victor Segalen University, Bordeaux 2, France, 3Iuliu Moldovan Institute of Public Health, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
0077    Factors Associated with Smoking Among an Urban Underserved Adolescent Population
S.H. KIM1, G. CRUZ1, A.R. KERR1, and R. BRAXTON2, 1New York University, USA, 2The Door, New York, NY, USA
0078    Integrating Adolescents' Oral Health Promotion with Smoking Prevention: A Randomised-Trial
O.A. AYO-YUSUF, University of Pretoria, South Africa, P.S. REDDY, Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa, and H.W. VAN DEN BORNE, Maastricht University, Netherlands
0079    Oral Microbiota, Caries and Periodontal Status in Smokeless Tobacco chewers
S. NAGARAJAPPA, K. D. Dental College and Hospital, Mathura, India, and K.V.V. PRASAD, SDM College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad, India
0080    General Dentists' Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Tobacco Control
B. HECKMAN, S. GANSKY, J. WEINTRAUB, S. SILVERSTEIN, C. KAVANAGH, and M. WALSH, University of California, San Francisco, USA
0081    Nicorette® gum reduces tooth staining during smoking cessation
H. WHELTON1, R. KINGSTON1, D.M. O'MULLANE1, F. NILSSON2, and V. KELLEHER1, 1National University of Ireland - Cork, Ireland, 2McNeil AB, Helsingborg, Sweden
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