9:00 AM-10:30 AM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 709, Oral |
Public Health, Oral Cancer Post-treatment Effects |
Chairpersons: M.P. WALKER and M. ROTHEN |
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| 2893 |
| Application of Spatial Covariance Structure to Post-radiation Tooth Destruction A.-L. CHENG1, M.P. WALKER1, K.B. WILLIAMS1, C.-I. CHENG2, and B.D. WICHMAN3, 1University of Missouri -Kansas City, USA, 2University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, 3Kansas City Cancer Center, Overland Park, USA |
| 2894 |
| Post-radiation Dental Lesion Severity: Association with Tooth-level Radiation Dose M.P. WALKER1, K.B. WILLIAMS1, B.D. WICHMAN2, A.-L. CHENG1, and N. ALDERMAN1, 1University of Missouri -Kansas City, USA, 2Kansas City Cancer Center, Overland Park, USA |
| 2895 |
| Is a public dental program for high-risk pregnant women effective? D. LIN, R. HARRISON, and J. ALEKSEJUNIENE, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
| 2896 |
| Relationship between oral hygiene behaviours and Sense of Coherence M. DORRI, R. WATT, and A. SHEIHAM, University College London, United Kingdom |
| 2897 |
| Inter-examiner Reliability of Resting and Stimulated Salivary Tests M. ROTHEN1, J. CUNHA-CRUZ2, B. LEROUX2, L. MANCL3, B. LATZKE2, J. COYNE2, and J. BERG1, 1Northwest PRECEDENT - University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 2University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 3Northwest PRECEDENT – University of Washington, Seattle, USA |
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| Discussion |
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