Bond Strength of BelleGlassTM to C&B Metal and Zirconia Substrates
V. BUI, A. KOBASHIGAWA, and H. GARZA, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA | Objective:
Bonding indirect resins to C&B substrates may extend the clinical lifetime
of these restorations, as with PFMs. In this study, three-month,
six-month and one-yr. bonding data of BelleglassTM to C&B alloys
(precious-nonprecious) and Zirconia are reported. Methods: 24
hr and one-month data were reported in a previous study (IADR Abst.# 1860 March
2006). The bonding mechanism makes use of the stability of the
ceramo-metal bond. Porcelain opaquers with matched coefficient of thermal
expansion were fired onto the substrates according to manufacturer's
instructions and the surface was etched with HF acid at optimized etching
times. Eight samples of each material were tested after three-months,
six-months and one-yr. storage in 37ºC water with themocycling 5,000 X between
5-55ºC. The means and standard deviation (s.d.) were calculated and anova
analysis (p<0.05) was used to determine any significant differences between
the means. Results: The bond data are presented in the
attached table along with previous data (superscripts indicate differences
between the means). After one-yr. storage in 37º water with
thermocycling, there were significant losses in strength in some materials, but
bond values remained high. Conclusion: The bond strength
data indicate that a stable long-term bond between indirect resins and C&B
substrates may be possible using the ceramo-metal bond (study funded by Kerr
| Seq #218 - Ceramics 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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