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| 2297 | Bond Strength of BelleGlassTM to C&B Metal and Zirconia Substrates V. BUI, A. KOBASHIGAWA, and H. GARZA, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA |
| 2298 | Bond Strength of Self-adhesive Resin Cements to Zirconia S. MURAHARA, H. MINAMI, H. KURASHIGE, S. HORI, K. SAKOGUCHI, T. ONIZUKA, and T. TANAKA, Kagoshima University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan |
| 2299 | Shear Bond Strength of Resin Cements to E.max Pressed Ceramic F. GEORGE, M.E. RAZZOOG, M. SIERRAALTA, and B. ABBO, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA |
| 2300 | Cooperation of phosphate monomer and silica modification on zirconia ceramic R. TANAKA, A. FUJISHIMA, Y. SHIBATA, A. MANABE, and T. MIYAZAKI, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan |
| 2301 | In itro retentive strength of self-adhering cements to zirconium-oxide crowns C.-P. ERNST, A. SCHATTENBERG, C. BLUM, E. STENDER, and B. WILLERSHAUSEN, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany |
| 2302 | Dentin-Ceramic Bonding: Sodium Ascorbate and Time Effect after Non-Vital Bleaching L.G. MAY, A.C.R. SALVIA, R.O.A. SOUZA, S.M.A. MICHIDA, M.C. VALERA, F.E. TAKAHASHI, and M.A. BOTTINO, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil |
| 2303 | Influence of Cutting Speed and Cutting Incidence on Microtensile Test C.W. ABREU1, J.F.F. SANTOS1, S.P. PASSOS1, S.M.A. MICHIDA1, F.E. TAKAHASHI1, M. BOTTINO1, A.D. VANDERLEI2, and S.C. ZAMBONI1, 1São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 2Sao Paulo State University (Unesp/SJC), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil |
| 2304 | Ultrasonic Cleaning Influences Silica Coated Zirconia Bond Strength G. NISHIGAWA, Y. MARUO, M. OKA, K. YOSHIHARA, S. MINAGI, M. IRIE, and K. SUZUKI, Okayama University, Japan |
| 2305 | Interfacial toughness of bilayer dental ceramics C. ANUNMANA, J.J. MECHOLSKY, Jr., and K. ANUSAVICE, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA |
| 2306 | Effect of Silica-coating on the Bond Strength to Zirconium K. HIKITA1, T. MAIDA1, Y. IKEDA1, T. KAWAKAMI1, K. ENDO2, and H. OHNO2, 1Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 2Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Ishikari-Tobetsu, Japan |
| 2307 | Surface Roughness Effect on the Bonding of Y-Tzp Ceramics D. EVLI, N. OZDEN, and E. CELIK, Ankara Universitesi, Turkey |
| 2308 | Effect of differtent surface treatments on bond strength of zirconia R. RUBIN, S. PAMUK, and M.C. BALKAYA, University of Istanbul, Turkey |
| 2309 | Effect of Ceramic Surface Treatment on Bonding to Inceram Alumina L.M. MIRAGAYA1, F.E. VASCONCELLOS1, R. POBER2, R. GIORDANO2, and C.E. SABROSA1, 1Universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Boston University, MA, USA |
| 2310 | Cement Adhesion to High-strength Ceramics Using Priming-agent: Effect of Sandblasting D. AUGUSTI1, D. RE1, G. AUGUSTI1, and A. CERUTTI2, 1University of Milano, Italy, 2University of Brescia, Italy |
| 2311 | Bond to dentin-glass ceramic: effect of neutralization and mechanical cycling G. SAAVEDRA1, E.K. ARIKI2, C.D. FEDERICO3, G. GALHANO4, C. PAGANI5, P. BALDISSARA6, L.F. VALANDRO7, M.A. BOTTINO8, and E.T. KIMPARA8, 1Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, 2Sao Paulo State University - Sao Jose dos Campos School of Dentstry, São Paulo, Brazil, 3Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4São Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil, 5Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Sao Jose of Campos, SP, Brazil, Brazil, 6University of Bologna, Italy, 7Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 8São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil |
| 2312 | Micro-mechanical analysis and crack propagation simulation of an enamel-ceramic interface H.-L. LIU1, C.-L. LIN1, Y.-H. CHANG2, and M.-T. SUN1, 1Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, 2Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Tao-yuan, Taiwan |
| 2313 | Bond strength of Self-adhesive Luting Cements to Zirconia after Thermocycling M. IRIE1, M. OKA1, Y. MARUO1, G. NISHIGAWA1, S. MINAGI1, K. SUZUKI1, and D.C. WATTS2, 1Okayama University, Japan, 2University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
| 2314 | Tensile Bond Strength of IPS Empress 2 on Desensitizer-Treated Dentin A. SARACOGLU, C. CURA, E. CAL, and M. TURKUN, Ege Universitesi, Izmir, Turkey |