Sugar and Caries in Riga's 6- and 12- year olds
J. GUDKINA1, A. BRINKMANE1, and I. ROGOVSKA2, 1Riga Stradins University, Latvia, 2Institute of Stomatology, Riga, Latvia | The objective: To assess possible relationship between caries experience, salivary cariogenic microflora and free sugar consumption in 6 year and 12 year old children in Riga, to evaluate these variables in risk assessment. Methods: 79 children aged 6 and 96 children aged 12 were examined clinically and by bitewing X-ray for caries diagnosis. Also all children or their parents were questioned about number of tea spoons containing sugar used per cup and frequency of cups used daily. Salivary mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) (CRT-bacteria; Ivoclar; Vivadent; Liechtenstein) were determined only for children with dmft/DMFT > 4: 27.8% at the age of 6, 40.6% at the age of 12. All patients were volunteers, with permission to take part in this study from their parents. Also all children were inhabitants of Riga. Results: All data were statistically analyzed using frequency tables and ANOVA. Statistical significance of differences in proportions was tested using chi-square test, ANOVA included evaluation of how changes in variables such as free sugar consumption affects caries in particular age group. Mean number of tea spoons containing sugar used per cup was 1.47 in 6 year olds and 1.86 in 12 year olds, but daily amount of tea spoons containing sugar was 2.71 and 4.36 in each age group accordingly. Tea spoons of sugar per cup were strongly associated with caries experience only in 6 year olds (p=0,098). A significant association was observed between caries experience, salivary MS and an amount of tea spoons containing sugar used per cup in both age groups (for 6 y.o. p= 0.037, for 12 y.o. p= 0.037). Also caries experience was strongly associated with salivary MS and daily amount of tea spoons containing sugar, but only in 12 year olds (p=0,041). Conclusions: The information of free sugar consumption per cup or daily gives the possibility to control free sugar use in order to reduce caries development in 6 year old and 12 year old children in Riga. This study was performed due to financial support from the ESF National programs “Assistance for doctoral and post doctoral study in medicine”. | Seq #121 - Epidemiology/ Early Childhood Caries 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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