Dentin Permeability of a New Protective Coating on Smear-Layer Dentin
R.P. RUSIN1, K. AGEE2, M. SUCHKO2, K.M. CUMMINGS1, A.M. PFARRER3, and D.H. PASHLEY2, 13M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA, 3OMNI Preventive Care, A 3M ESPE Company, West Palm Beach, FL, USA | Objectives: Compare the convective fluid movements across dentin covered with a smear layer after placement of an experimental coating material, EXM-713, versus an RMGI liner and a nanofilled adhesive control. EXM-713 is a resin-modified glass ionomer coating material. Methods: Crown segments cut from extracted unerupted third molars were cemented onto plexiglass slabs penetrated by a stainless steel tube allowing filling of the pulp chamber with water under 140 cm H2O pressure. These were attached to a device that measured fluid movement through the dentin. The dentin surface was etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 sec to permit measurement of the maximum permeability; three strokes on 320 grit paper yielded a controlled smear layer, which was coated with either 3M™ ESPE™ Vitrebond™ Plus Liner/Base (VBP) or EXM-713. Permeabilty was measured on the etched, smeared, and coated dentin for each sample. A control group, 3M™ ESPE™ Adper™ Single Bond Plus Adhesive (SBP) applied to etched dentin, was also measured. Cross-sectional SEM was done on EXM-713 and VPB. Data were analyzed via one-way ANOVA and Tukey's T-test (p<0.05). Results: Permeability, in microliter/min @140cmH2O (stdev), is shown below. Groups with the same superscript letter are not significantly different (p>0.05). Material | n | Etched | Smear | Coated | % Reduction | EXM-713 | 6 | 14.6(13.1)a | 3.7(2.4)b | 0.25(0.32)c | 96.5(6.0)% | VBP | 6 | 10.7(7.4)a | 3.2(1.9)b | 0.17(0.25)c | 98.9(1.1)% | SBP | 10 | 13.8(5.6)a | n/a | 0.9(1.3)c | 93.3(8.0)% | Conclusions: EXM-713 and VBP are effective at sealing smear-layer-covered dentin and reducing fluid flow through it; both are not statistically different from SBP in their ability to reduce fluid flow. SEM of EXM-713 and VPB showed resin infiltration of the smear layer, resin tags on the etched dentin, and a resin-rich layer at the interface. | Seq #273 - Dentin-Bonding Interface 10:45 AM-12:15 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 801A |
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