website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #273 Saturday, July 5, 2008

10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 801A, Oral
Dentin-Bonding Interface
Chairpersons: T. NIKAIDO and Y. WANG
2946    Ultrastructure of acid-base resistant zone in a fluoride-releasing adhesive system
T. NIKAIDO, D. WEERASINGHE, G. INOUE, and J. TAGAMI, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan
2947    Biodegradation of the Composite Resin -Dentin Interface Contributes to Bacterial Microleakage
S. KERMANSHAHI, J.P. SANTERRE, D.G. CVITKOVITCH, L. TAM, and Y. FINER, University of Toronto, Canada
2948    Dentin Permeability of a New Protective Coating on Smear-Layer Dentin
R.P. RUSIN1, K. AGEE2, M. SUCHKO2, K.M. CUMMINGS1, A.M. PFARRER3, and D.H. PASHLEY2, 13M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA, 3OMNI Preventive Care, A 3M ESPE Company, West Palm Beach, FL, USA
2949    Effect of Radiotherapy on Resin/Dentin Adaptation using One-Step Bonding System
T. YOSHIKAWA, M. MIURA, and J. TAGAMI, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan
2950    Conversion of Filtek Silorane Adhesive determined by Raman spectroscopy
C.O. NAVARRA1, M. CADENARO1, F. ANTONIOLLI1, S. ARMSTRONG2, J. JESSOP2, R. DI LENARDA1, and L. BRESCHI1, 1University of Trieste, Italy, 2University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
2951    Multivariate FTIR Imaging Analyses to Unveil Chemistry of Adhesive/Dentin Interfaces
Y. WANG, X. YAO, and R. PARTHASARATHY, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
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