Crescent Graft: a New Bone-Graft Design in Implant Dentistry
A. HASSANI1, S.A. VAHDATI1, and S. TABESHFAR2, 1Islamic Azad University Dental Center, Tehran, Iran, 2Private Practice, Tehran, Iran | Objective: The use of dental implants, especially immediate insertion procedures, is increasing day by day and accordingly the number of different complications concerning these treatments, such as bone loss due to peri-implantitis and bone dehiscence, are subject to increase as well. Autogenous grafts are considered as the golden standards in grafting procedures. Our objective was to introduce a new bone-graft design for use in implant dentistry named the “Crescent graft” (C-graft). Methods: In each of the two cases treated (case1: 29 year old female, severe periodontitis, right maxillary central incisor, case2: 29 year old male, peri-implantitis, right maxillary central incisor) One C-graft was harvested from the anterior palate region using double insertion of a Trephine bur (diameter: 5mm, penetration depth: 10mm) (Fig.1), grafted in the affected recipient site, got immobilized, and underwent 6 and 12 month follow-ups. Results: Both recipient sites showed proper healing and favorable bone construction results with no morbidity in the donor sites. Conclusion: The grafting procedure using this new design proved to be easy to perform, with advantageous and satisfying results. 
| Seq #201 - Materials Testing 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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