website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #201 Friday, July 4, 2008

2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Materials Testing
1992  Equine collagen to recreate gingival architecture around aesthetic implants
P. AVVANZO1, L. LO MUZIO1, and A. AVVANZO2, 1University of Foggia, Italy, 2University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
1993  Crescent Graft: a New Bone-Graft Design in Implant Dentistry
A. HASSANI1, S.A. VAHDATI1, and S. TABESHFAR2, 1Islamic Azad University Dental Center, Tehran, Iran, 2Private Practice, Tehran, Iran
1994  Minimally Invasive Sinus Elevation: an Alternative to the Lateral Window?
C.C. SIQUEIRA, and S. DIBART, Boston University, MA, USA
1995  Multifunctional Guide with Palatal Referencial
G. GUIMARÃES, Primer Odontologia, Salvador, Brazil, M. ROSSI, Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Salvador, Brazil, and A.P. FREITAS, Universidade Federal Da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
1996  Accuracy of 2 Different Cad-Cam Devices for Implant Placement
M. CASSETTA, D. DELL'AQUILA, and S. CALASSO, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
1997  In vivo ectopic osteogenesis of calcium phosphate cement with rhBMP-2/rhbFGF
P. KEFENG1, H. YUANLIANG1, W. LEI1, and L. CHANGSHENG2, 1Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
1998  Immobilized-OPG-Fc on Titanium Inhibits RANKL-dependent Osteoclast Differentiation
S. MAKIHIRA, Y. MINE, E. KOSAKA, and H. NIKAWA, Hiroshima University Institute of Oral Health Science, Japan
1999  Bone tissue responses to bioactive fiber-reinforced composite implants
A. BALLO1, E. AKCA2, T. OZEN2, L. LASSILA1, P. VALLITTU1, and T. NÄRHI1, 1Institute of Dentistry, Turku University, Finland, 2Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey
2000  Evalue Socket Repair with Plasma Rich and Poor in Platelets
R.D.L. ROMEIRO, Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, São José dos Campos, Brazil, and J.L. DE LORENZO, Universidade de Santo amaro, Sào Paulo, Brazil
2001  Bone-to-Implant Contact in One-Piece Zirconia and Titanium Implants in Dogs
D. WENG1, F. KOCH2, S. KRÄMER2, and W. WAGNER2, 1Private Practice, Starnberg, Germany, 2Johannes-Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Germany
2002  Immunohistochemical Observations of Bone Healing around Dental Titanium Implants
Z. AL-ANI, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
2003  A pilot study on dental implant with n-HA/PA66
S. WEI1, W. LI2, X. XIONG1, and Y. LI3, 1Peking University, Beijing, China, 2Chongqing Medical University, China, 3Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
2004  Effect of bead size for scaffold on mouse osteoblasts
Y. HASHIMOTO1, S. ADACHI1, Y. YAMAUCHI2, K. OMATA2, T. MATSUNO2, T. SATOH2, and M. NAKAMURA1, 1Osaka Dental University, Hirakata Osaka, Japan, 2Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
2005  Self-setting Collagen-Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement: Mechanical and Cellular Properties
J.L. MOREAU, M.W. WEIR, and H.H.K. XU, University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA
2006  Enhanced Bone Apposition to Microrough Titanium Surfaces
S.P. XAVIER, K.E. IKUNO, and M.G. TAVARES, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
2007  In vivo bone formation on apatite-coated titanium incorporating BMP-2/heparin
T. ISHIBE1, T. GOTO1, T. KODAMA1, T. MIYAZAKI2, K.K. GUNJIGAKE1, S. KOBAYASHI1, and T. TAKAHASHI1, 1Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan
2008  Biocompatibility of Novel Vacuum Sintered Bodies of Titanium Medical Apatite
M. HAYASHI1, H. OGATA1, N. SUZUKI1, N. KOMORI1, O. TAKEICHI1, K. TAMURA2, Y. MORISAKI3, B. OGISO1, and T. FUJITA3, 1Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan, 2Nihon University, College of Engineering, Fukushima, Japan, 3Immuno-Science Co., Ltd, Sapporo, Japan
2009  Expression of Bone Markers by Human Osteoblasts on Polymer Scaffolds
S.B.M. IDRIS1, S.O. IBRAHIM1, P. PLIKK2, A.I. BOLSTAD1, A. WISTRAND3, K. FYRBERG ARVIDSSON1, and K. MUSTAFA1, 1University of Bergen, Norway, 2Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden, 3Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
2010  Bone regeneration around fenestrated implants by different bFGF-gelatin hydrogel complexes
K. MORITA1, K. HAYASHI1, K. DOI1, K. KORETAKE1, T. KUBO1, Y. TABATA2, and Y. AKAGAWA1, 1Hiroshima University, Japan, 2Kyoto University, Japan
2011  Comparative Study of Three Copolymer Scaffolds Seeded with Human MSC
Y. XUE1, S. DÅNMARK1, A. WISTRAND2, S.O. IBRAHIM1, S. HELLEM1, K. ARVIDSON1, and K. MUSTAFA1, 1University of Bergen, Norway, 2Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
2012  TiO2 film formation by electron cyclotron resonance plasma oxidation
Y. ORII, H. MASUMOTO, T. GOTO, Y. HONDA, T. ANADA, K. SASAKI, and O. SUZUKI, Tohoku univesity, Sendai, Japan
2013  Titaniuim surfaces influence behaviour and gene expression of endothelial cells
X. RAUSCH-FAN1, N. AN2, M. WIELAND3, M. MATEJKA1, and A. SCHEDLE1, 1Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Vienna, Austria, 2Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Beijing, China, 3Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland
2014  Behavior of endothelial cells in response to smooth titanium surfaces
N. AN1, A. SCHEDLE2, M. WIELAND3, M. MATEJKA2, and X. RAUSCH2, 1Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Vienna, Austria and School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing University, China, 2Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Vienna, Austria, 3Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland
2015  Effect of Air Dielectric Barrier Discharge on Calcium-Silicate Thinfilm
I. HAN1, H.K. BAIK2, I.-S. LEE3, S.-W. SHIN1, and S.-J. KIM1, 1Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, 2Yonsei Univereity, Seoul, South Korea, 3Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
2016  Low Level Laser Therapy Improves Bone Healing in Rabbit Tibia
C.C. RIQUELME1, E.P. MALDONADO2, S. GOUW1, L.A.P.A. LIMA1, and J.F. TOREZAN1, 1Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares / LELO /USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2FAAP - Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2017  Natural decrease of protein adsorption capability of titanium over time
N. HORI1, W. ATT1, N. TSUKIMURA2, T. SUZUKI1, T. UENO1, H. AITA1, M. YAMADA1, N. SATO1, and T. OGAWA2, 1University of California - Los Angeles, USA, 2University of California Los Angeles, USA
2018  Bone Regeneration with Monetite Granules
F. TAMIMI, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, J. TORRES, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, E. LOPEZ-CABARCOS, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and J. BARRALET, McGill University
2019  Histological Evaluation of Zirconia Implant with newly developed rough surface
2020  Titanium nano-nodular structuring for osseointegration
L. SARUWATARI1, N. TSUKIMURA2, K. KUBO2, N. OHNO1, and T. OGAWA2, 1Aichigakuin University, Nagoya, Japan, 2University of California Los Angeles, USA
2021  Accelerated Implant Stability After LED Photobiomodulation
P. BRAWN, Private Practice of Dentistry, Nanaimo, Canada, A. KWONG-HING, Private Practice of Dentistry, Toronto, Canada, S. BOERIU, Private Practice of Dentistry, Kitchener, Canada, and C.M.L. CLOKIE, University of Toronto, Canada
2022  Evaluating the osseointegration of macroporous titanium alloy implants in rats
T.S. GOIA, K.B. VIOLIN, M. YOSHIMOTO, J.C. BRESSIANI, and A.H.D.A. BRESSIANI, Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research, São Paulo, Brazil
2023  Novel techniques to study fibronectin adsorption
M. AL-JAWAD, Leeds Dental Institute, England, Uk, G. FRAGNETO, Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France, and B.H. CLARKSON, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
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