CO2 Laser Irradiation Enhances Interaction of 45S5 Bioglass with Dentin
A.S. BAKRY1, K. MATIN2, Y. TANAKA2, H. TAKAHASHI2, M. OTSUKI2, K. YAMASHITA2, and J. TAGAMI1, 1Tokyo Medical and Dental University & COE Program, FRMDRTB at TMDU, Japan, 2Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan | Objectives: Dentin hypersensitivity is a problem affecting a growing
sector of the population worldwide. This study was designed to examine
the interface between dentin and 45S5 bioglass mixed with phosphoric acid and irradiated
by CO2 laser and its ability to seal the dentinal tubules, moreover
the chemical changes induced by the aforementioned method on the 45S5 bioglass was
detected. Methods: Dentin discs were obtained from the mid coronal part of
40 extracted human non-carious third molars. The dentin surfaces were
ground using 600-grit silicon carbide abrasive paper under wet conditions. The
dentin discs were treated as follows; 45S5 bioglass application with/without CO2 laser operating in super-pulse mode, with the laser power set at 1 W, or
without application of bioglass with/without CO2
laser irradiation using the aforementioned
parameters on dentin. The surface and cross-cut surfaces of these specimens
were observed by FE-SEM/EDS (S-4500, Hitachi, Japan). On an isolated test
the chemical changes induced by the CO2
laser irradiation on 45S5 bioglass mixed with
phosphoric acid were analyzed using the X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (RAD II A, Rigaka Denki, Tokyo, Japan). Results: The interface and the
surface examination showed the formation of a layer rich in phosphate and
calcium on the dentin surface that penetrated the dentinal tubules when the 45S5 bioglass was mixed
with phosphoric acid and irradiated by CO2
laser. However, when the bioglass
mixture was not irradiated by CO2 laser partial coverage of the dentin was observed. XRD
patterns showed crystal formation when 45S5
bioglass was mixed with phosphoric acid and
irradiated by CO2 laser. Conclusion: A crystallized phosphate-calcium
rich layer was formed when 45S5 bioglass was mixed with phosphoric acid and
irradiated by CO2 laser on dentin surface.
This study was partially funded by the COE Program, FRMDRTB at Tokyo Medical
and Dental University.
| Seq #259 - Keynote Address and Materials for Remineralization and Desensitization 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 801A |
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