9:00 AM-10:30 AM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 801A, Oral |
Keynote Address and Materials for Remineralization and Desensitization |
Chairpersons: P.P. KANJIRATH and M.C. PETERS |
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| 2865 |
| Keynote Address: Evaluation of Laboratory Methods to Assess the Performance of Remineralizing Therapies/Materials C. GONZÁLEZ-CABEZAS, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA |
| 2866 |
| Fluoride release and re-uptake of dental materials with fluoride varnish/gel S.Y. KIM, Ajou University School of medicine, Suwon, South Korea, J.-B. KIM, Pusan National University, South Korea, S.J. RA, Pusan University, and J.S. KIM, Dankook University, Cheon-An, South Korea |
| 2867 |
| CO2 Laser Irradiation Enhances Interaction of 45S5 Bioglass with Dentin A.S. BAKRY1, K. MATIN2, Y. TANAKA2, H. TAKAHASHI2, M. OTSUKI2, K. YAMASHITA2, and J. TAGAMI1, 1Tokyo Medical and Dental University & COE Program, FRMDRTB at TMDU, Japan, 2Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan |
| 2868 |
| Reduction in Dentin Permeability Using a Fluoride-Calcium-Phosphate Containing Solution S. TAKAGI, and L.C. CHOW, American Dental Association Foundation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA |
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