website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 0122  

Microtensile Bond Strength of Various Current Adhesive Systems to Dentin

L.S. TURKUN1, Z. ERGUCU1, N. UNLU2, O. KANIK1, and F. OZER2, 1Ege University, School of Dentistry, Izmir, Turkey, 2Selcuk University School of Dentistry, Konya, Turkey

Objectives: Using the microtensile bond test (µTBS), this study investigated the bond strengths of four two-step self-etching adhesives, seven all-in-one adhesives and four two-step total-etch systems and compared the data to those of a three-step total etch adhesive.

Methods: Sixty-four extracted human molar teeth were ground to 600-grit to obtain flat dentin surfaces. Adhese (A-SE/Ivoclar-Vivadent), Protect Bond (PB/Kuraray) Silorane System Adhesive (SSA/3M ESPE), SE Adhesive (SEA/3M ESPE), Optibond All in One (OP/Kerr), S3 Bond (SB/Kuraray), Xeno V (XE/Dentsply DeTrey), Futurabond NR (F-NR/Voco), GO (GO/SDI), G Bond (GB/GC), Adhese One (A-SEO/Ivoclar-Vivadent) Tetric N Bond (TNB/Ivoclar-Vivadent), XP Bond (XPB/Dentsply DeTrey), Peak LC Bond (P-LC/Ultradent), Single Bond 2 (SB2/3M ESPE) and Scotchbond Multi Purpose (SBMP/3M ESPE) were used as adhesive systems. Adhesives were applied on dentin surfaces according to the manufacturers' instructions. Than a resin composite was applied on adhesive-treated dentin surfaces in two increments of 2mm and polymerized. Rectangular sticks (0.9-1mm2) were obtained and subjected to µTBS testing (Bisco Microtensile Tester) after 48 hours of water storage at 37°C.

Results: The data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA, Dunnett C and Tukey's post-hoc tests with significance defined as p<0.05. The µTBS test results of the adhesive systems in MPa and their respective SD values are: SBMP: 20,04±3,88c; TNB: 38,96±4,51a; XPB: 27,02±6,79b; SB2: 18,75±6,39c,f; PLC: 18,08±5,25c,g; SEA: 37,47±13,02a; SSA: 21,48±8,48b,c,e; A-SE: 19,95±4,02c; PB: 19,15±5,62c,d; OP: 21,66±5,60b,c; SB: 18,41±2,85c,h; XE:14,81±5,19d,e,f,g,h,j,l; F-NR: 12,89±3,84j,k,l; GO: 9,78±3,00i,k; GB: 8,58±3,02i and A-SEO: 6,62±3,37i. The same superscript letters indicate no statistically significant differences between the systems tested.

Conclusions: The progress in the adhesive technology has led to high-quality fewer-step adhesives revealing sometimes higher bond strengths to dentin than "golden standard" three-step adhesives. However, some all-in-one adhesives still need to be improved for better bond strength values.

The adhesives tested in this study were generously donated by their respective companies.

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