website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #30 Thursday, July 3, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 801B, Oral
Bond Strength Evaluation
Chairpersons: R. ERICKSON and L.S. TURKUN
0119    Bond Strengths of Self-etching Adhesives To Pre-etched Enamel
R.L. ERICKSON, W.W. BARKMEIER, and N.S. KIMMES, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA
0120    Influence of Self-Etching Primers on Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets
R.J. SCOUGALL VILCHIS, S. YAMAMOTO, S. OHASHI, and K. YAMAMOTO, Asahi University, Mizuho, Japan
0121    Ion Release from a Novel Bioactive Orthodontic Bonding Agent
J. CROWE1, H.B. DAVIS2, and J.C. MITCHELL2, 1Oregon Health & Science Universty, Portland, USA, 2Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA
0122    Microtensile Bond Strength of Various Current Adhesive Systems to Dentin
L.S. TURKUN1, Z. ERGUCU1, N. UNLU2, O. KANIK1, and F. OZER2, 1Ege University, School of Dentistry, Izmir, Turkey, 2Selcuk University School of Dentistry, Konya, Turkey
0123    Shear Bond Evaluation of Current Self-Etching Adhesive Systems
M. FALEMBAN, and D. NATHANSON, Boston University, MA, USA
0124    Bond strength of two glass-fibre post systems in root canals
F.S.L. WONG1, M. PIRVANI2, and S. PARKER2, 1Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, United Kingdom, 2Bart's and The London School of Medicine and Dentisry
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