Pressure stress area of mandibular alveolar mucosa under complete denture
Y.-L. LU1, J. XU2, J. DONG1, Q.-G. RONG3, and H.-D. LOU4, 1An-Zhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2Peking University, Beijing, China, 3Peking university, Beijing, China, 4Peiking University, Beijing | Objective: To
analyze and compare vertical (Z-axis) pressure stress areas of mandibular
alveolar mucosa under linear and anatomic complete dentures at lateral
Computer tomography and finite element analysis (FEA) were performed to set up
3-dimensional FEA models of maxillae and mandibles with severe residual ridge
resorption (RRR), mucosa, and linear and anatomic occlusal complete dentures.
Stress areas were calculated by FEA, and we compared the data of two occlusal
schemes involving complete dentures loaded with imitative masticatory forces.
Results: At
lateral occlusion, the anatomic working-side stress area between -0.07and ~ -0.1
MPa was larger than the linear one on the molar area. The linear working-side
stress area between -0.03 and ~ -0.07 MPa was 1.33-fold that on the anatomic side.
At the balancing side, the linear occlusal stress area between -0.03 and ~ -0.07
MPa was 2.4-fold the anatomic one. Considering the total stress distribution
area of mandibular mucosa under vertical pressure, linear occlusion was 1.2-fold
that on the anatomic side.
At lateral occlusion, the vertical stress area of mandibular mucosa under
linear occlusal complete denture was larger than the anatomic one, which
indicates that vertical stress distribution under the linear occlusal complete
denture is more comprehensive, which may be of benefit for better denture
| Seq #104 - Removable Prosthodontics 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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