3:30 PM-4:45 PM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster |
Removable Prosthodontics |
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| 0907 | Evaluation of the hardness discrimination for elastic and viscous bodied T. OHMARU, K. MASUDA, Y. NAKANO, Y. SUMI, T. IBUKI, T. TAKARADA, J. YAMAZOE, Y. AKIYAMA, and Y. HIGUCHI, Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan |
| 0908 | Removable partial prosthesis model evaluation in dental laboratory J.C.D.O. CASTRO, C.D.R. BRITO, C.D.V.S. MOURA, and R.V. ZANETTI, Centro de Pesquisas Odontológicas São Leopoldo Mandic, Teresina - Piaui, Brazil |
| 0909 | Retention Characteristics of Magnetic Overdenture Attachments After Cyclic Loading K.-H. CHUNG1, M. FLETCHER-STARK1, M. ANDERSON1, G. JOHNSON1, J. WATAHA1, and J.-G. DUH2, 1University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 2National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
| 0910 | Effect of mucosa thickness and resilience on overdentures stress distribution V.A.R. BARÃO1, W.G. ASUNÇÃO1, L.F. TABATA1, E.A.C. DE SOUSA2, J.A. DELBEN1, É.A. GOMES1, and E.P. ROCHA3, 1Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil, 2Bauru School Engenieering - UNESP, Brazil, 3Araçatuba School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University - UNESP, Chapel Hill, NC, USA |
| 0911 | WITHDRAWN |
| 0912 | Relationships Between Facial Form and Alveolar Ridge Height C. NAKAMURA, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, K.T. OCHIAI, UCLA School of Dentistry, Santa Ana, CA, USA, H. IKEDA, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA, and N. GARRETT, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA |
| 0913 | Customized 3-dimensional anterior teeth computer model according to facial shape S.-R. NOH1, J.-H. OH2, and M.S. KIM1, 1Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea, 2DasTech co, Kwangju, South Korea |
| 0914 | Bizygomatic width for selection of denture teeth in four races F. VARJAO1, S.S. NOGUEIRA2, and J. LOVE1, 1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, 2Sao Paulo State University, Araraquara Dental School, Brazil |
| 0915 | Representative Points of the Morphology of Mandibular Edentulous Alveolar Ridges Y. TAKAYAMA, H. SASAKI, M. GOTO, K. MIZUNO, M. SAITO, and A. YOKOYAMA, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
| 0916 | Clinical Useability of an "Examination Scale" for Residual Ridge Assessment S. ISHIBASHI, Y. SATO, N. KITAGAWA, S. HARA, Y. HOSONO, and H. ISHIHARA, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan |
| 0917 | Bond strength between an acrylic resin and artificial tooth D.C. BARCA1, H. CASTRO2, G. SAAVEDRA3, R.N. TANGO, Sr.4, M.A. BOTTINO1, and E.T. KIMPARA5, 1UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, 2São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 3Sao Paulo State University, Brazil, 4Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, São José dos Campos, Brazil, 5Sao Paulo State University (Unesp/SJC), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil |
| 0918 | Improving Removable Partial Denture Adherence for Elderly Patients E. DREYER1, C. CÓRDOVA2, G. JORQUERA1, S. MAGGIOLO1, and G. MONCADA1, 1Universidad de Chile, Santiago, RM, Chile, 2Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile |
| 0919 | Effects of denture disinfection methods on survival of Candida albicans J.-E. KIM, Seoul National Unuversity, South Korea |
| 0920 | Relationship between location of main occluding area and occlusal support Y. NAKATSUKA, S. YAMASHITA, S. MIZOUE, and K. HASHII, Matsumoto Dental University, Nagano, Japan |
| 0921 | Changes in vertical dimension and occlusive contacts in complete dentures L.R. SILVA-CONCILIO1, C.M. RIZZATTI-BARBOSA2, C.B. MELOTO3, P.O. SERRANO3, L.G. CUNHA1, and A.C.C. NEVES1, 1Taubaté University - UNITAU, Brazil, 2University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Piracicaba - Sao Paulo, Brazil, 3University Campinas (UNICAMP), Piracicaba, Brazil |
| 0922 | Hard denture liners: Effect of cleansers on color and roughness M. FRANGOU, A. PANTOPOULOS, and G. POLYZOIS, Dental School University of Athens, Greece |
| 0923 | Effect of denture cleansers on hardness of denture-base resins G. POLYZOIS1, F. DAVIS2, R. JAGGER2, and R. VOWLES2, 1Dental School University of Athens, Greece, 2Dental School University of Bristol, United Kingdom |
| 0924 | Wire Position Effect on Repaired Acrylic Removable Partial Denture Strength M. EZZAT EL-SAYED, A. EL-TANTY, A. FENTON, and O. EL-MOWAFY, University of Toronto, Canada |
| 0925 | Pressure stress area of mandibular alveolar mucosa under complete denture Y.-L. LU1, J. XU2, J. DONG1, Q.-G. RONG3, and H.-D. LOU4, 1An-Zhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2Peking University, Beijing, China, 3Peking university, Beijing, China, 4Peiking University, Beijing |
| 0926 | Efficacy of denture cleansers on denture liners with Candida species A.A. DEL BEL CURY, M.A.L. FERREIRA, T. PEREIRA-CENCI, L.M. VASCONCELLOS, and R.C.M. RODRIGUES GARCIA, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Brazil |
| 0927 | Effect of investment and flask closure on the denture accuracy R.L.X. CONSANI, M.F. MESQUITA, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO, M.A.C. SINHORETI, and S. CONSANI, Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil |
| 0928 | Factors Influence Adhesion of Candida Albicans on the Denture Surfaces C.-L. HUNG1, C.-H. LIN2, T.-M. WANG3, L.-D. LIN3, and J.-S. WANG3, 1National Taiwan University, Taipei,Taiwan, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan University, Tapei, Taiwan, 3National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan |
| 0929 | Effect of Injection molding on Flexural Properties of Denture resins M.M. EL-SHEIKH, Tanta University Faculty of dentistry Egypt, Egypt |
| 0930 | Influence of ridge type on mandibular removable partial denture R. FERRAÇO, B.P. TONELLA, E.P. PELLIZZER, F.L. SOUZA, B.J. CAZAES, J.V.Q. MAZARO, and H. GENNARI-FILHO, Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil |
| 0931 | Incidence of partial denture usage and Kennedy classification K. ENOKI, K. IKEBE, T. HAZEYAMA, K. ISHIDA, K.-I. MATSUDA, and Y. MAEDA, Osaka University, Japan |
| 0932 | Dual Component Removable Partial Denture improves practicality and physiological outcomes B. LOU, West China of Stomatology College, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China |
| 0933 | Mucosa characteristics effect on complete dentures and overdentures stress distribution E.A. GOMES1, V.A.R. BARÃO1, W.G. ASSUNÇÃO1, L.F. TABATA1, J.A. DELBEN1, E.P. ROCHA2, and E.A.C. DE SOUSA3, 1São Paulo State University - UNESP. Araçatuba Dental School, Brazil, 2Araçatuba School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University - UNESP, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 3Bauru School Engenieering - UNESP, Brazil |
| 0934 | The Influence of Reinforcement on Strain within Maxillary Complete Denture T. GONDA, T. TAKAHASHI, and Y. MAEDA, Osaka University, Japan |
| 0935 | The Accuracy of the CAD/CAM System for Fabricating Complete Dentures M. KANAZAWA, Y. SATO, S. MINAKUCHI, K. OHYA, Y. KAIBA, and N. OHBAYASHI, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan |
| 0936 | Influence of Wearing Complete Dentures on Body Balance in Elderly M. OKUBO, Y. FUJINAMI, S. MINAKUCHI, and I. WATANABE, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan |
| 0937 | Influence of Complete Denture Adjustment to Brain Activity Y. YONEYAMA1, M. MOROKUMA1, H. HIRATA2, and T. HOSOI1, 1Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan, 2R.H.Clinic, Kashiwa, Japan |
| 0938 | Influence of Tissue Conditioning to Complete Denture Wearer's Brain Activity M. MOROKUMA, Y. YONEYAMA, and T. HOSOI, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan |
| 0939 | Study on Recognition of Denture(s) Using a Structural Equation Modeling K. TAKEUCHI, K. YAMAMOTO, M. HATTORI, H. MURAKAMI, T. KIDOKORO, I. IKEDO, S. MATSUMURA, and Y.D. LI, Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan |
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