Objectives:The purpose of this study was to evaluate internal conical abutment sinking and fitness according to the loading condition. Methods: In this study, Alloden implant fixture and two abutment(conventional, FDI) systems were used. Each abutment was applied 1 time of finger force, 3 times of malleting force, 5 times of 20kg and extra several times to the fixture until the amount of abutment singking showed no change. Then, the length of abutment to fixture which was binding lightly with no pressure state was measured by Vernier caliper. After loading application, the length was remeasured and the amount of sinking was calculated. Results: 1. When the fixture connected to the abutment, the finger force was about 5.91±0.58kg and the malleting force was about 3.35±0.29kg. 2. As the result of masticatory force load after connecting abutment to fixture, the fitness of fixture-abutment interface showed almost tight contact each other. 3. As the loading condition being added, the abutment showed more sinking phase. 4. In consequence of loading application until the amount of sinking had no change, conventional abutment showed 0.51±0.06mm as total amount of sinking after 7-8 times, and FDI abutment showed 0.75±0.06mm as total amount of sinking after 10-13 times. Conclusions: In conclusion, the implant which has conical abutment without screws showed generally favorable fitness to masticatory force. However, as the loading condition being added, it was found that the amount of sinking of fixture-abutment connection part has a increasing tendency. Therefore, It is thought that the dentists using this system need to do the follow-up check if there is something wrong with occlusion periodically, and the manufacturer should complement this aspect. |