website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #122 Thursday, July 3, 2008

3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Implant Prosthodontics
1200  An Evidence-based Evaluation The Dental Implants Application To Diabetes Patients
M. WANG1, W.T.Y. LOO2, and M. CHEUNG2, 1West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu, China, 2The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1201  Load Fatigue Performance of Implant-Ceramic Abutment Combinations
Q.H. NGUYEN, Alexandra Hospital, Singapore, Singapore, K.B.C. TAN, National University of Singapore, Singapore, and J.I. NICHOLLS, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
1202  New Matching Formulae to Examine Precision Fit of Implant Framework
R.-F. WANG, B.R. LANG, and M.E. RAZZOOG, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
1203  Fracture Resistance of Ceramo-metal Restorations, Variously Retained to implants
L.A. ABU-NABA'A, R.M. SHADID, W.M. AL-OMARI, B.M. EL-MASOUD, and K.R. ASFAR, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
1204  Precision of fit of one-piece zirconia and cast frameworks
M. SIERRAALTA, J.L. VIVAS, M.E. RAZZOOG, and R.-F. WANG, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
1205  Open and closed tray technique accuracy with two impression materials
M. JAVAN, and K. SEYEDAN, Shahid Beheshti of Medical Sciences Dental School, Tehran, Iran
1206  Precision of Fit of Titanium and Cast Implant Frameworks
J.L. VIVAS, M. SIERRAALTA, M.E. RAZZOOG, and R.-F. WANG, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
1207  Implant-supported Laserwelded Titanium Frameworks in Edentulous Mandibles: 15-Years Follow-up
A. ÖRTORP, and T. JEMT, Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg, Sweden
1208  Position accuracy of manually repositioned abutments in various implant-abutment interfaces
W. SEMPER1, S. HEBERER1, J. MEHRHOF2, T. SCHINK1, and K. NELSON1, 1Charité Berlin, Germany, 2Private Office, Berlin, Germany
1209  Abrasion of Abutemt Screw Coated with TiN
J.-H. JEONG, H.-J. KIM, and S.-R. LEE, Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea
1210  Abutment Sinking and Fitness of Conical Internal Connection Implant System
H.-J. KIM, H.-L. LEE, and J.-H. JEONG, Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea
1211  Fracture Strength of Implant Crowns after Different Zirconia Abutment Preparations
M. MITSIAS1, S.-O. KOUTAYAS2, S. WOLFART1, F. LEHMANN1, and M. KERN1, 1Univ. of Kiel, FRG, Germany, 2University of Freiburg, Germany
1212  External versus internal implants: Survey of opinions and decision making
Y. HAGIWARA1, T. TSUGE1, H. MATSUMURA1, and A. CARR2, 1Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan, 2Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
1213  Immediately loaded post-extractive implants: 3-year follow-up
I. VOZZA, M. MARCHETTI, T. DI CARLO, L. PICCOLI, and M. QUARANTA, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
1214  Immediate loading of post-extraction implants: 3-year follow-up
I. VOZZA, M. MARCHETTI, A. QUARANTA, S. DI CARLO, and G. POMPA, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
1215  Torsional test at the interface between implant and implant abutment
F. WATANABE, Y. TAWADA, I. TAKASE, and K. UEDA, Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan
1216  Pre-Load of Implant Screw: Effect of Methods Torque and Time
A.A. CASTILHO, P.C. PEREIRA, A.N. KOJIMA, R.O.A. SOUZA, R. FARIA, F.E. TAKAHASHI, S.M.A. MICHIDA, and M.A. BOTTINO, Paulista State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1217  Misfit and stress analysis of multi-unit implant-retained restorations
G.E.P. HENRIQUES, M.F. MESQUITA, M.A.A. NÓBILO, and W.S. FRAGOSO, Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil
1218  Clinical Performance of Zirconia Implant Abutments for Single-Tooth Implants
S. RINKE, Dental Practice, Hanau, Germany
1219  Influence of the Implants Diameter on Maximum Resistant Load
H. YANAGIDA, T. SUGAWARA, Y. SATO, N. KITAGAWA, and K. UCHIDA, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan
1220  Three-dimensional Loads on Implants-supporting Fixed Prostheses in vivo
Y. GUNJI1, N. YODA1, T. OGAWA1, T. KURIYAGAWA2, T. KAWATA1, and K. SASAKI1, 1Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan, 2Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering, Sendai, Japan
1221  Development of non-loosening abutment screw for implant
H. KOGA, H. KIDO, Y. KATSUKI, M. KOGA, K. BEPPU, F. TAKAFUMI, and M. MASARO, Fukuoka Dental College, Japan
1222  Evaluation of torque removal in abutment submitted to cyclic test
M. GONÇALVES, G. PORTELA, P. RANGEL, R. FARIA, F. TAKAHASHI, and M. ITINOCHE, Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campo, Brazil
1223  Immediate loading of orthodontic palatal implants with masticatory forces
A. VEGH, and G. BORSOS, Heim Pal Children's Hospital, Budapest, Hungary
1224  Removal torque of taper and indexed abutment: mechanical loading effect
R. FARIA1, S.C. ZAMBONI2, F. GOYATÁ3, H. CASTRO3, D.C. BARCA4, and M.A. BOTTINO5, 1Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campo, Brazil, 2Sao Paulo State University, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, 3São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 4UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, 5Paulista State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil
1225  Misfit level of implant-supported frameworks: influence of veneering technique
L.V. OLIVEIRA1, M.F. MESQUITA1, G.E.P. HENRIQUES1, R.L.X. CONSANI1, A.P. FREITAS2, L.G.D. DAROZ3, and M.A.D.A. NOBILO1, 1Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil, 2UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA BAHIA, London, Canada, 3State University of Campinas - Piracicaba Dental School, Brazil
1226  Influence of abutments and porcelain firing on strains around implants
V.S. TRAMONTINO1, G.E.P. HENRIQUES2, M.F. MESQUITA2, and M.A.A. NÓBILO2, 1FOP - UNICAMP, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil, 2Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil
1227  Is there correlation between marginal misfit and strains around implants?
L.F. LUTHI, Sr.1, V.S. TRAMONTINO2, G.E.P. HENRIQUES3, M.F. MESQUITA3, L.G.D. DAROZ4, and M.A.D.A. NOBILO3, 1Campinas State university, Piracicaba, Brazil, 2FOP - UNICAMP, Osasco - SP, Brazil, 3Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil, 4State University of Campinas - Piracicaba Dental School, Brazil
1228  Influence of loading frequency on implant fatigue
M. KARL, University Clinic Erlangen, Germany, and J.R. KELLY, University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
1229  Reliability of Implant-supported Zirconia Three-Unit Fixed-Partial-Dentures using different veneering Porcelains
C.F. STAPPERT, B. KIM, J. PEREZ, E.D. REKOW, and V.P. THOMPSON, New York University, USA
1230  7-year Clinical Performance of Immediately Loaded Single-Tooth Implants
F. TODESCAN, Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil, R. FARIA, Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campo, Brazil, J. BOSSEMA, University of Groningen, Netherlands, M. ÖZCAN, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, and M.A. BOTTINO, UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
1231  Influence of Cementation-Mode on Reliability of Zirconia Implant-Abutment-Crown-Systems
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