website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1214  

Immediate loading of post-extraction implants: 3-year follow-up

I. VOZZA, M. MARCHETTI, A. QUARANTA, S. DI CARLO, and G. POMPA, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate osseointegration in immediately loaded post-extractive implants. Methods: we selected 46 patients (both sexes, 42 years mean age, well healthy) having maxillary and mandibular partial edentulism and asking for implant supported prostheses. We inserted 144 implants (Replace select tapered TiU™, Nobelbiocare, Goteborg, Sweden); they were immediately loaded in the same day by a temporary acrylic resin crown. Minimum diameter was 3.5mm and minimum length was 13mm. Before cementation of each final restoration we executed a periapical X-ray using a digital X-ray system (Den Optix, Gendex, Dentsply Int). The X-ray controls were executed after 1-3-6-9-12 months and then yearly for 3 years. Marginal bone levels were evaluated by 2 different operators using a computerised measure system (Vix-win 2000, Gendex, Dentsply Int). We also evaluated probing depth (PDI), plaque level (PLI) and gingival inflammation (AngBI). Results: During the first 12 months mean bone loss was 0.27mm and during the next 5 year it was 0.20mm according to Albrektsson and Zarb implant success criteria. PDI was 2; PLI was between 0 and 1; AngBI was 0. Clinical and X-ray results analized with T-Student test were statistically significant (P<0.005). Conclusions: these results showed as immediate loading could produce good primary stability in selected patients.

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