Immediate loading of 2-implants mandibular overdentures - a new treatment protocol
G. STOKER, ACTA Dental School, Amsterdam / Simonshaven, Netherlands, and D. WISMEIJER, ACTA Dental School, Amsterdam, Netherlands | Objective: Implant-supported overdentures on two implants have proven to be a reliable treatment option for the edentulous mandible. Osseointegration-time of implants demands a downtime for the complete denture patient with discomfort and demands of aftercare. With the introduction of implants with the SLActive-surface, immediate loading of two implants interconnected by a bar with an overdenture has become a possible treatment option. A protocol with immediate loading has been developed with the gaol to maximize efficiency. In this study the predictability of the treatment is evaluated. Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty four edentulous patients with atrophic mandibles were recruited and treated in a private Implant and Prosthetic practice. The procedure started with the manufacturing of a conventional denture. During surgery this new denture was used as surgical guide and directly after surgery as impression tray. This impression was used to manufacture the bar and to mount the activated retention-clip in the denture. The overdenture and the bar were placed at the same day as surgery. Instructions for the patients included almost no limitations with their overdenture. At baseline and during the first 3 months ISQ-values were recorded. Results: Only 3 implants were lost in 3 patients. Patients reported less complaints about pain, swelling, sore spots. The rate of acceptance of the overdenture seemed to be higher. Compared with the traditional procedure less appointments were necessary for aftercare. ISQ measurements proved to be of additional value for the prostodontist and the patients. Conclusions: The results of this clinical trial with immediate loading by a mandibular overdenture with 2 implants interconnected with a bar show that this new procedure is predictable and less time consuming for patients and professional dental workers. The cost are even slightly lower. This Active-in-one-Day concept demands no special skills of the surgeon, prostodontist and dental technician. | Seq #284 - Outcomes of Prosthodontic Treatment and Reconstructive Care 10:45 AM-12:30 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717B |
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