10:45 AM-12:30 PM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717B, Oral |
Outcomes of Prosthodontic Treatment and Reconstructive Care |
Chairpersons: O. EL-MOWAFY and A. FENTON |
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| 3010 |
| Reinforcement of Acrylic Removable Partial Denture Using Different Wire Positions M. EZZAT EL-SAYED, A. FENTON, and O. EL-MOWAFY, University of Toronto, Canada |
| 3011 |
| Effects of Implant/Tissue Support of Dentures on Muscle Effort N. GARRETT1, S. ANCOWITZ2, D. SZE2, J. PUCHER2, J. CALLAHAN2, and K. FUEKI3, 1UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2DVA Greater Los Angeles Healtcare System, CA, USA, 3Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan |
| 3012 |
| Immediate loading of 2-implants mandibular overdentures - a new treatment protocol G. STOKER, ACTA Dental School, Amsterdam / Simonshaven, Netherlands, and D. WISMEIJER, ACTA Dental School, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
| 3013 |
| In-Vitro: Reproducibility of Periotest and Resonance Frequency Analysis H. MORRIS1, S. ALMUSA2, R. JANDALI2, P. AUBREY2, M. SADEK2, F. KHAN2, R. KITCHEN2, and R. PLEIZA2, 1Department of Veteran's Affairs, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 2Department of Veterans Affairs, Detroit, MI, USA |
| 3014 |
| Retention of Overdenture Posts Cemented with Self-Adhesive Resin Cements M. EZZAT EL-SAYED, O. EL-MOWAFY, and A. FENTON, University of Toronto, Canada |
| 3015 |
| Longterm costs for reconstructive care in patients with birth defects O. KRIEGER, E. INCICI, G. MATULIENE, J. HÜSLER, G.E. SALVI, B.E. PJETURSSON, N.P. LANG, and U. BRÄGGER, University of Berne, Switzerland |
| 3016 |
| Multicenter Trial of Chlorinated Polyethylene Elastomer (CPE) for Maxillofacial Prosthetics L. GETTLEMAN1, M.S. CHAMBERS2, R.F. JACOB2, J.D. ANDERSON3, D.A. JOHNSTON4, R.A. SHEPPARD5, G.S. HAUGH3, and S. KIAT-AMNUAY6, 1University of Louisville, School of Dentistry, KY, USA, 2University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA, 3University of Toronto, Canada, 4Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA, 5University of Louisville, KY, USA, 6University of Texas Houston Houston / Health Sci Ctr, USA |
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