Physical Properties of Temporary Cements
T. CHAU, E. NGUYEN, D. XIE, and D. TOBIA, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA | Objective: The purpose of
this study was to evaluate the physical properties of resin-based, zinc
oxide/eugenol and non-eugenol temporary cements. Method: Two resin based
cements: experimental material (EXP, Kerr), Tempbond Clear (TBC, Kerr); one
zinc oxide/eugenol cement: Embonte (EMB, Dux); two zinc oxide/non-eugenol
cements: Tempbond NE (TBN, Kerr) and TempoCem NE Smartmix (TCN, DMG) were
tested. Shore D hardness (SD, n=3) was measured according to ASTM D2240.
Film thickness (FT, n=5) was tested according to ISO 6876 standard. For the
bonding strength (BS) to human dentin a pre-cured knob made of a temporary
crown and bridge material: Temphase (Kerr) in a cylindrical mold (D=3.1mm,
H=4mm) was bonded to the dentin with a temporary cement. The specimens (n=6) were
stored at 37°C for 24 hours and then subjected to shear force on an Instron
mechanical tester. Results: The mean values of the test data were
reported in the following table. ANOVA analysis of the data showed that EXP and
EMB had significantly lower hardness and film thickness than TBC, TBN and TCN.
EXP had significantly lower bonding strength than TBC, TBN and TCN. TBC
had no significant differences in bonding strength among the tested materials
due to the large standard deviation.
| EXP | TBC | EMB | TBN | TCN | SD | 31±0a | 46±1c | 36±2b | 49±0c | 46±2c | FT(µm) | 3.4±2a | 19.8±5b | 3.3±1a | 18.9±6b | 19.7±6b | BS(MPa) | 0.25±0.11a | 0.44±0.40 a,b | 0.50±0.21b | 0.53±0.1b | 0.45±0.04b |
*Mean with the same letters
are not significantly different (p<0.05) within the same row.
Conclusion: EXP is a
softer material and is weaker in bonding to the dentin surface, thus leading to
lower retention of the temporaries and allowing for easy removal.
| Seq #108 - Resin Cement Mechanical Properties, Glass Iomoners 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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