Objectives: To evaluate the wear resistance of novel
self-adhesive resin cements in the luting gap using an in vitro three-body wear
(ACTA) and a toothbrush abrasion machine and to correlate the two test methods. Methods: Luting
gaps of 300µm width and 2mm depth were prepared on either glassceramic flat substrates
(n=12) or on ACTA abrasion wheels (n=9) using a diamond saw. The gaps were
filled with four dual-cure self-adhesive and one light-cure resin cements according
to manufacturer recommendations, surface grinded and stored for 14d in dist. water.
Toothbrush abrasion was conducted in a toothbrush simulator (Willitec, Germany;
p=2N) using a commercial toothpaste slurry (Elmex, Gaba, Germany, RDA=70). The
resulting gap depths were measured after 20,000 cycles. Three-body wear testing
was performed according to the ACTA principles (Willytec, Germany; p=15N) in a millet
seed slurry. The wear trace after 400,000 cycles was measured in comparison to
the non-worn surface. The luting gap depths and mean wear depths were measured with
a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM, Leica, Germany). The data were
analyzed using a two-way ANOVA and mod LSD test (p<.05). Results: Same superscripts indicate homogenous subsets [Mean (SD)].
| Toothbrush abrasion depth [µm] | Three-body wear depth [µm] | Exp (Voco) | 4.93 (1.36)a | 21.00 (2.71)b,c | Maxcem (Kerr) | 11.84 (3.51) | 24.16 (3.87) | Multilink Sprint (Ivoclar) | 6.47 (1.69)a | 31.73 (8.84) | RelyX Unicem (3MESPE) | 5.77 (1.46)a | 27.74 (3.40) | Variolink II Base (Ivoclar) | 19.29 (4.06)b | 18.28 (2.59)c |
Best toothbrush abrasion resistance showed Exp, Multilink Sprint and RelyX Unicem.
Lowest three-body wear rates showed Exp and Variolink II Base. There is no
correlation between the two test methods (r2=0.385). This
study was supported by Voco