Microstructural analysis of sound enamel, remineralized and active carious lesions
S. URIBE1, C. PEREZ2, M.E. ORTIZ2, and S. GOMEZ3, 1University of Valparaiso CHILE, Chile, 2Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile, 3University of Valparaiso CHILE, Vina del Mar, Chile | Objectives: to investigate, in vitro, the morphological characteristics of sound enamel (S), active (A) and remineralized (R) caries lesions on smooth permanent teeth surfaces. Methods: The sample comprised teeth, exhibiting sound, early active and remineralized carious lesions, which had been extracted for orthodontic reasons. The teeth were sectioned and enamel pore diameter were evaluated using SEM (Leo Electron Microscopy Zeiss -Model 420). SEM photomicrographs of similar specimens were also obtained for comparison. A qualitative analysis was made evaluating number of pores and surface appearence (regular, irregular) Results: visual differences on enamel morphology could be observed between groups. We found qualitative differences in the three zones. Depression areas, including the formation of craters, and exposure of enamel rods could be detected in the active area. The appearance of remineralized carious enamel was as irregular as active carious lesion. Sound enamel have less pores in number and more regular surface appearance. Conclusion: The changes in the surfaces with sound, active or remiralized caries examined under electron microscope showed a wide variety of patterns of destruction of enamel prisms and surface appearence. | Seq #120 - Caries Management/Diagnostics 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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