Customized 3-dimensional anterior teeth computer model according to facial shape
S.-R. NOH1, J.-H. OH2, and M.S. KIM1, 1Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea, 2DasTech co, Kwangju, South Korea | Objectives: Selection of the shape and size of an artificial teeth for an anterior prosthesis often depends on the shape and size of the face. To facilitate finding out the most appropriate 3-dimensional shape and size of anterior teeth in Korean population, we designed a system which can build a 3-dimensional computer model semi-automatically. Methods: To construct the basic 3-dimensional tooth models, micro CT image of upper and lower teeth were taken and the 3-dimensional models were constructed using the 3-dimensional object manipulation softwares, MIMICS and Magics. By modifying this basic tooth models, three variations (tapered, ovoid and square) of each basic tooth models were made. To select an anterior tooth for a patient, one of the variations of the basic tooth models was selected according to the type of facial shape and then the size and height-to-width ratio of the teeth was decided according to the size and height-to-width ratio of the patient's face. Results: Using the typical Korean facial size data and tooth data we were able to make the customized 3-dimensional model of artificial anterior teeth which can generate a prosthesis with typical Korean look for each patient. Conclusion: With our system, selection and restoring missing anterior teeth in cases without any neighboring teeth or other reference can be done easily. And as we used 3-dimensional model in our system, it can also be adapted in building zirconia-based restorations which is done with the aid of CAD/CAM system. This study was supported by Man Power Raising Funds for Local Innovation from Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, 2006-2008 | Seq #104 - Removable Prosthodontics 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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