Mechanical Test for Assessing Early Changes in UV-Radiated Facial Elastomers
C. CHRISTLINE1, B. SALLACH1, T. ANDERSON1, B. SIMETICH1, and M.W. BEATTY2, 1University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA, 2Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System, VA Medical Center, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, Lincoln, USA | Tensile and tear tests outlined in ASTM D412 & D624 for
rubber cannot detect mechanical property changes occurring during early damage
of weathered facial elastomers, particularly along thin edges of a prosthesis. Objective:
This study assessed a fatigue protocol for identifying early physical changes
occurring within polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) following short-term exposure to
ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation. Methods: PDMS dumbbells were constructed
with 13 wt % silica, no pigment, thickness either 2 mm or 0.3 mm and placed
into one of three groups: (I) immediate mechanical testing, (L) 600 h UVB
exposure (0.72 J/cm2/h), (D) 600 h storage in darkness (n=6). A
modified Stepwise Increasing Strain Test (El Fray et al., Polymer,
2004) was followed to produce 4 stress-strain (s-s) curves for each dumbbell: (1)
baseline, (2) after 1000 cycles 25% tensile strain, (3) additional 1000 cycles
50% strain, (4) additional 1000 cycles 100% strain. Triangular waveforms and 1
Hz cycling were followed. Three parameters were measured for each s-s curve: E
modulus at 80-100% strain, area within load-unload hysteresis (strain energy
lost), area below unload curve + ½ hysteresis area (strain energy stored).
3-way ANOVA/Tukey assessed effects of dumbbell thickness, weathering condition
and no. cycles on each measured s-s parameter. Results: Thickness:
Thin dumbbells exhibited higher modulus (662±15 vs 426±15 kPa),
energy loss (24.6±1.5 vs 19.0±1.5 kPa-mm/mm) and energy stored
(510±16 vs 337±16 kPa-mm/mm) than thick dumbbells (all p≤0.05).
Weathering: Modulus values for thin dumbbells were L>D>I (p≤0.05);
n.s.differences were observed for thick dumbbells. Energy lost: thin dumbbells
L=D>I; n.s.differences for thick. Differences in energy stored were n.s. for
thick and thin specimens. Cycles: Cycle no. rendered few effects on
measured properties. Conclusion: Elastic modulus measurements of thin
dumbbells provided the highest sensitivity for this testing regimen. Supported
by UNMC COD SSRF and VA Rehabilitation R & D grant A4290I.
| Seq #296 - Prosthodontic and Maxillofacial Materials 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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