Cephalometric Norms for Indian Population
R. RAJAGOPAL, K. UMASHANKAR, and A. SAIPRAKASH, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, India | OBJECTIVES: Cephalometric studies of different ethnic groups are now available. Not many studies available for Indian population. The aims of study were to establish Cephalometric norms for Indian Population following the analysis of Steiner's Tweeds and Wits and to compare the racial difference between Indians and the Caucasians. METHODS: To compile a new set of norms, lateral cephalograms of one hundred subjects 60 females, 40 males ranging in age from 16-25 years were studied. The records were provided by the subjects with pleasing profile, good occlusion with out any previous orthodontic treatment from the city schools and colleges in and around Chennai metropolitan city with students originating from various parts of India The lateral Cephalograms were obtained using the Routine Protocol. The Cephalograms were digitized with 27 landmarks and analyzed. RESULTS: The statistical software SPSS PCT (version 4 0.1) was used for analysis. One sample ‘ t' test was employed to compare the sample mean with the normal values of the Caucasian population. The maxillary and mandibular skeletal bases are well within the normal limits as compared with Caucasian population. Most of the samples revealed more horizontal growth pattern of Mandible compared with Caucasian population. Cephalometric readings revealed lesser variation from the norms of the Caucasian population, with mild upper and more lower anterior protrusion and a significant increase in IMPA in Indian population. CONCLUSIONS: One racial norms group should not be considered normal of other racial groups. Different racial groups must be treated according to the own individual characteristics. This Indian Lateral Cephalometric norms can be adopted as normal value in the treatment planning for Indians. | Seq #225 - 3D Techniques, Morphology, Cephalometry 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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