3:30 PM-4:45 PM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster |
3D Techniques, Morphology, Cephalometry |
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| 2396 | Masseter Muscle Thickness and Dental Arch Width S. SADEGHIAN, Azad Khorsgan School of Dentistry, Isfahan, Iran, M. KARAMI, Institut des Sciences Medicales, Isfahan, Iran, and G. FOROZANDEH, Faculty of Dentistry of Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan, Isfahan, Iran |
| 2397 | Accuracy of CBCT Panoramic Images in Projection of Tooth Angulations D.C. VAN ELSLANDE, C. FLORES-MIR, J. CAREY, G. HEO, and P.W. MAJOR, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
| 2398 | Dynamic alterations of soft palate in OSAHS during sleep X. ZHANG, and R. HU, Wenzhou Medical College, China |
| 2399 | MRI of the Temporomandibular Joint in Patients with Rheumatic Disease K. OKOCHI1, M. IDA1, N. OHBAYASHI1, N. YOSHINO1, E. HONDA2, and T. KURABAYASHI1, 1Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan, 2University of Tokushima, Japan |
| 2400 | Comparison of landmark reliability from lateral cephalograms and 3d images M. LAGRAVÈRE, C. FLORES-MIR, and P. MAJOR, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
| 2401 | Cone-beam CT for Assessing Mandibular Invasion by Gingival Carcinoma T. KURABAYASHI, M.A. MOMIN, K. OKOCHI, H. WATANABE, A. IMAIZUMI, and N. OHBAYASHI, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan |
| 2402 | Extraction vs. Nonextraction Treatment Differentiation of Class III M. ZHENG, Faculty&Hospital of stomatology wenzhou medical college ,china, Wenzhou, China |
| 2403 | Skeleton and Radiomorphometric Indices in Women' Mandible in Panoramic Radiography M. IMANIMOGHADDAM, Dental research center of Mashhad dental school,Mashhad university of medical sciences, Iran, M.R. HATEF, Mashhad university of medical sciences, Iran, and A. BAGHERPOUR, Mashhad dental school, Iran |
| 2404 | Evaluation of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Disorders by 3.0T MR Neurography M. TERUMITSU1, K. SEO1, H. MATSUZAWA1, I.L. KWEE2, and T. NAKADA1, 1University of Niigata, Japan, 2University of California, Davis, Martinez, USA |
| 2405 | Patient Movement During Digital Cephalography Using Slit-beam Scan S.-C. CHOI, Y.-T. JO, M.-S. HEO, K.-H. HUH, W.-J. YI, and S.-S. LEE, School of Dentistry Seoul National University, South Korea |
| 2406 | Enhancing Bioprogressive Dentofacial-Skeletal Complex Growth Prediction Utilizing Digital Datamining J.H. FOLEY, R. GONZALEZ-INFANTES, B. KUSNOTO, G. VIANA, H. LIU, and Y. PAN, University of Illinois - Chicago, USA |
| 2407 | Dosimetry of Newly Introduced Digital Volumetric Tomographic System E.-K. KIM1, W.-J. HAN1, and H.-K. CHOI2, 1Dept of OMF Radiology, School of Dentistry, Dankook University, Cheonan, Choongnam, South Korea, 2Advanced Medical Engineering Laboratory, Vatech Co., Ltd, Yongin, South Korea |
| 2408 | Cheek configuration during smile in Class III patients S. HARAGUCHI, Y. DOI, H. OKAMOTO, and K. TAKADA, Osaka University, Suita, Japan |
| 2409 | Accuracy of CBCT in Evaluating TMJ Spaces A.M. HUSSAIN, P. BOULANGER, P.W. MAJOR, and C. FLORES-MIR, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
| 2410 | CBCT vs Conventional Lateral Cephalogram in Orthodontics: a Cephalometric Evaluation R. CHUNG, C. FLORES MIR, P.W. MAJOR, G. HEO, and J. CAREY, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
| 2411 | Visualization of Tooth Movements in Six-Degree-of-Freedom during Occlusal Force Loading T. SATSUMA1, T. FUJIMURA, PhD2, S. SHIGEMOTO1, E. BANDO1, M. HOSOKI1, and T. YAMAMOTO1, 1Tokushima University, Japan, 2Tokushima Bunri University, Kagawa, Japan |
| 2412 | 2D vs 3D- The truth within ! S. VARGHESE, Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Thiruvalla,Kerala, India, and S. PADMANABHAN, Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, India |
| 2413 | Cephalometric Norms for Indian Population R. RAJAGOPAL, K. UMASHANKAR, and A. SAIPRAKASH, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, India |
| 2414 | Detection of periapical lesion development by radiography and computed tomography É.G. JORGE, M. TANOMARU FILHO, M. GONÇALVES, and J.M. GUERREIRO-TANOMARU, São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil |
| 2415 | Knowledge-dependent patterning of spatio-temporal characteristics of lip motion during smile M. YAGI, H. OHNO, E. HORIGUCHI, and K. TAKADA, Osaka University, Suita, Japan |
| 2416 | Radiological findings at XV-Pan-American and III-Parapan-American Games Rio de Janeiro-2007 A.L.S. ALMEIDA1, P.L.S. EVANS1, A.M.L. GUEDES1, F.R. GUEDES1, R.A. ANDRADE1, J.J. RODRIGUES-DA-SILVA1, J.A. GRANGEIRO2, and E.M.B. TINOCO1, 1State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Brazil, 2Brazilian Olympic Committee - COB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
| 2417 | TMJ Synovial Chondromatosis with Intracranial Extension: Systematic Review M. MUPPARAPU, M. STRICKLAND, S.R. SINGER, and I.H. KIM, UMDNJ- New Jersey Dental School, Newark, USA |
| 2418 | The Study of Morphological Differences in Populations C.H. KAU1, T. GOR2, J. ENGLISH1, P. BORBELY3, J.J. XIA4, and R.P. LEE5, 1University of Texas Houston/Health Science Center, USA, 2University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, USA, 3Hansa-Dont, Budapest, Hungary, 4Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA, 5University of Texas - Houston/Health Science Center, USA |
| 2419 | Reliability of measuring dentoalveolar bone using cone beam CT A.S. ALSAGHEER1, G. HEO2, P.W. MAJOR2, and C. FLORES-MIR2, 1University of Alberta & Private practice, Edmonton, Canada, 2University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
| 2420 | Evaluation of Alveolar Bone Based on CBCT DICOM Datasets D. SCHULZE, K. WAGNER, and M. METZGER, University Freiburg, Germany |
| 2421 | A 3D evaluation of facial asymmetry in mandibular prognathism subjects S.J. YOON1, J.M. PALOMO2, H.-J. LIM3, B.C. KANG1, and H.-S. HWANG4, 1Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea, 2Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, 3Chonnam National University, Kwangju, South Korea, 4Chonnam National University Kwangju, South Korea |
| 2422 | Orthodontic Bracket Induced Contrast Changes in NewTom and iCAT images D.L. MCCLURG, V. CHUN, V.L. LEGGITT, and J.S. KIM, Loma Linda University, CA, USA |
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