website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 2436  

Analysis of Pediatric Dental Trauma Management in San Antonio, USA

D. CANTU, and L.M. CARDENAS, University of Texas - San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA


The purpose of this retrospective study was to obtain dataveillance on distribution and management of pediatric dental emergencies in the city of San Antonio, USA.


This multicenter study included a chart review of dental trauma cases that presented as emergency visits in three clinics in San Antonio. These clinics have strategic geographic location and provide 24 hours emergency care. Data collected included demographics, patient's age, emergency trauma diagnosis, teeth involved and dental emergency treatment. Descriptive statistics where applied to the data collected and the effects of confounding variables were investigated using a regression model.


Preliminary data showed that most patients that presented for dental trauma had never had a dental exam. Those patients that had a dental home, were not patients of record at the clinic they presented for the emergency treatment. Patients ranged from 7 months to 16 years of age (mean=6.68, median=7, SD 4.37). The distribution of male:female trauma patients was 64:36. There were more patients presenting for primary tooth trauma than for permanent tooth trauma, although this difference was not statistically significant. The pattern of distribution of trauma cases according to time of the year, showed a different distribution as compared with previous published data.


The results of this study suggest that trauma cases in San Antonio show a more even distribution throughout the year than in other areas possibly due to the warmer climate in South Texas. Most patients have their first dental experience as a result of dental trauma; therefore, it is very important for dentists to be adequately trained to handle dental trauma emergencies as prognosis is strongly related to emergency treatment. Communication with primary dentist is crucial because even if patients have a dental home, they usually seek emergency care at dental clinics that offer 24-hour emergency care.

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