website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #226 Friday, July 4, 2008

3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Health Services Research II
2423  Willingness to pay for implant treatment
K.C.M. LEUNG, and C. MCGRATH, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2424  US Dentists' Knowledge of Management of Pediatric Dental Luxation Injuries
M. ALSANE1, S. FADAVI2, A. KOERBER2, and I. PUNWANI2, 1Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait, 2University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
2425  Dental services utilization at a Primary Health Care program's area
M.H.B. PINTO1, J.L.F. ANTUNES2, Y.B.E. MENDES1, J.A.C. LAWDER1, F.F.M. SILVA1, and W.H. BRITO1, 1Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa, Brazil, 2Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
2426  Qualitative investigation into factors leading to ill-health retirement among dentists
K.B. HILL1, F.J.T. BURKE2, K. MACDONALD3, A.J. MORRIS2, D. WHITE2, and K. MURRAY2, 1University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2University of Birmingham, England, Uk, 3University of Glasgow
2427  Impact of change in remuneration system on dentists' job satisfaction
R. HARRIS1, G. BURNSIDE1, A. ASHCROFT1, and B. GRIEVESON2, 1University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2Mersey Deanery, Liverpool, United Kingdom
2428  Listening to the voices of the impoverished: the humanist dentist
C. LOIGNON1, C. BEDOS2, P.J. ALLISON1, A. LANDRY1, J.-M. BRODEUR3, R. PINEAULT4, and L. RICHARD5, 1McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2Mcgill University, Montreal, Canada, 3Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal et Direction de santé publique, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux, Montreal, Canada, 4Université de Montréal, Canada, 5Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
2429  Dental Students' Willingness To Treat HIV-infected Patients
C. AZODO1, O. EHIGIATOR2, H.O. OBORO3, A. EHIZELE1, A. UMOH4, E. EZEJA1, M. OMILI5, and L. EHIGIATOR2, 1University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria, 2UNIVERSITY OF BENIN TEACHING HOSPITAL, Benin City, Nigeria, 3University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, 4University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria, 5NIGERIA PRISONS SERVICE, Abuja, Nigeria
2430  Geoprocessing Oral Health Data: Case Study on Search for Treatment
M.B.C. GUIMARÃES1, E.C. KUCHLER1, P.C. KUCHLER2, R. AROUCA3, G.F. CASTRO1, and L.C. MAIA1, 1Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2431  Differences in providing individualized caries prevention treatment across Dental PBRN
J.L. RILEY III1, V.V. GORDAN1, E. GIBSON1, L.R. ROQUE2, J.L. FELLOWS3, J.S. RICHMAN4, G.H. GILBERT4, and F.T. DPBRN COLLABORATIVE GROUP4, 1University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2Private Practice in Vero Beach, FL, USA, 3Center for Health Research Kaiser Permanente Northwest, Portland, OR, USA, 4The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
2432  Caries Prevention Methods for Adult Patients among Dental PBRN Dentists
V.V. GORDAN1, J.L. RILEY III1, E. GIBSON1, S.H. ASENSIO2, D.B. RINDAL3, J.S. RICHMAN4, O.D. WILLIAMS4, and F.T. DPBRN COLLABORATIVE GROUP4, 1University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2Private Practice in Orlando, FL, USA, 3Health Partners, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 4The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
2433  Assessment of primary caries lesion depths in Dental PBRN practices
M.M. NASCIMENTO1, V.V. GORDAN1, I.A. MJOR1, C.T. AJMO2, D.M. CAWLEY3, M.S. LITAKER4, O.D. WILLIAMS4, G.H. GILBERT4, and F.T. DPBRN COLLABORATIVE GROUP4, 1University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2Private Practice in Dunedin, FL, USA, 3Private Practice in Montgomery, AL, USA, 4The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
2434  Predictors and effectiveness of dental referrals by primary care physicians
B.T. PAHEL1, R.G. ROZIER1, S.C. STEARNS1, J.S. PREISSER1, M.L. MAYER1, and D.A. CLEMENTS2, 1University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, 2Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
2435  Pediatric and Adolescent Visits in the General Dentist Office
J.A. JENKINS, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA, C.A. DEMKO, PhD, Case School of Dental Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA, and S. WOTMAN, Case Western Reserve University
2436  Analysis of Pediatric Dental Trauma Management in San Antonio, USA
D. CANTU, and L.M. CARDENAS, University of Texas - San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA
2437  A study on the dental manpower distribution in Shanghai China
Q. GU, and X. FENG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2438  Cost-efficiency of Two Methods of Fabrication of Conventional Dentures
Y. KAWAI1, H. MURAKAMI1, J.P. LUND2, and J. FEINE2, 1Nihon University, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan, 2McGill University, Montreal, Canada
2439  Variability of Drinking Water Fluoride and Dental Health in Estonia
S. RUSSAK1, M. SAAG2, E. INDERMITTE1, and A. SAAVA1, 1University of Tartu - Faculty of Medicine, Estonia, 2University of Tartu, Estonia
2440  Oral Health Education of Kindergarten Children From Urban School District
J.H. GERSTENMAIER, M. NTRAGATAKIS, T. RICHARDSON, S. NELSON, and G. FERRETTI, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
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