Spatial and Temporal Expression of Wit 3.0 During Mouse Embryogenesis
R.G. SHAHI1, I. NISHIMURA2, and A. LIN1, 1University of California - Los Angeles, USA, 2UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA | Wound-inducible transcript 3.0 (wit3.0) has been shown to be involved in the wound healing process. Previous studies demonstrate that overexpression of wit3.0 facilitates fibroblast-driven wound contraction and suppression resulted in significantly less contraction. Since, adult tissue wound healing has been shown to reiterate embryogenic processes, we have hypothesized that wit3.0 is involved in embryogenesis. Objective: to characterize the temporal and spatial expression of wit3.0 during mouse embryogenesis. Methods: Taqman Real Time PCR was performed to examine the temporal mRNA expression pattern of wit3.0 during embryonic developmental day 7, 11, 15, and 17. To determine the spatial expression patterns of wit3.0, Western blot was performed for different body sections. Immunohistologiocal staining was completed in order to evaluate wit3.0 expression in day 15 of embryo. Result: Taqman Real Time PCR revealed the wit3.0 expression throughout embryonic development day 7, 11, 15, and 17, with the elevated steady state mRNA level in day 15. Western blot showed that wit3.0 was expressed in arms/legs, head, and body portion of day 15 embryos. Immunohistological staining revealed that wit3.0 was expressed in epithelial cells of the foot, the inner and outer enamel epithelium, ameloblasts and successional lamina of the tooth, dorsal root ganglion neuronal cells of the spine, and the inner epithelial cells of intestine and lung. Conclusion: The results suggest that wit3.0 is involved during mouse embryogenesis of epithelial development. Oral wound fibroblasts strongly expressing wit3.0 may carry epithelical phenotype. Funding: UCLA Academic Center | Seq #29 - Craniofacial and Dental Developmental Biology 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717A |
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