website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #29 Thursday, July 3, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717A, Oral
Craniofacial and Dental Developmental Biology
Chairpersons: E.T. EVERETT and H.L. SZABO ROGERS
0113    Induction of new tooth formation in adult oral ectoderm
X.-P. WANG, D. O'CONNELL, M. KURAGUCHI, J. LUND, A. TURBE-DOAN, R. KUCHERLAPATI, and R. MAAS, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
0114    Multi-root Development and Hertwig's Epithelial Cells in Mouse Molars
Y. SHIMAZU, T. KUDO, K. AOYAGI, Y. KANRI, K. SATO, and T. AOBA, Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
0115    Msx2 and Dlx2 expressions and functions during alveolar bone growth
B. CASTANEDA1, B.L. THOMAS2, M. MOLLA1, C. BLIN-WAKKACH3, D. HOTTON1, A. AGALLIU1, J. NEFUSSI1, P.T. SHARPE2, B. ROBERT4, G. CARLES3, A.E. GRIGORIADIS2, A. BERDAL1, and F. LEZOT1, 1INSERM, Paris, France, 2King's College London, 3CNRS/UNSA GEPITOS, Nice, France, 4Institut Pasteur - CNRS, Paris, France
0116    Local regulation of craniofacial osteogenesis by neural crest stem cells
A. JHEON, B. EAMES, and R. SCHNEIDER, University of California - San Francisco, USA
0117    The function of the nasal pit in craniofacial morphogenesis
H.L. SZABO ROGERS, C. WHITING, K.K. FU, and J.M. RICHMAN, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
0118    Spatial and Temporal Expression of Wit 3.0 During Mouse Embryogenesis
R.G. SHAHI1, I. NISHIMURA2, and A. LIN1, 1University of California - Los Angeles, USA, 2UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA
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