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| 1613 |
| Water Sorption and Staining of Filtek Silorane and Methacrylate Composites O. KAPPLER, C. THALACKER, A. SYREK, and W. WEINMANN, 3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany |
| 1614 |
| Changes in Color, Translucency and Gloss of Aged Resin Composites R.D. PARAVINA1, M.S. ELDIWANY1, and J.M. POWERS2, 1University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston, USA, 2Dental Consultants, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI, USA |
| 1615 |
| Young's Modulus Correlation with Filler Size and Shape of Resin-Composites N. SILIKAS, K. MASOURAS, R. AKHTAR, and D.C. WATTS, University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
| 1616 |
| Mechanical properties of composite core material with fiber posts G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR, University Western Ontario, London, On, Canada, S. JUMAILY, UWO, London, Canada, O. EL-MOWAFY, University of Toronto, Canada, and A. RIZKALLA, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada |
| 1617 |
| Fracture Toughness and Dynamic Elastic Moduli of Commercial Core Materials A. RIZKALLA, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada, A.P. FREITAS, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA BAHIA, London, Canada, and G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR, University Western Ontario, London, On, Canada |
| 1618 |
| Preparation Time and Hardness of 10 Core Composites and Dentine P. SCHMAGE1, I. NERGIZ1, F. SITO2, M. ROSENTRITT3, and U. PLATZER1, 1University of Hamburg, Germany, 2Private Practice, Hamburg, Germany, 3Regensburg University Medical Center, Germany |