website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #181 Friday, July 4, 2008

2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Gene Expression and Vascularization during Pulp Cell Development
1683  Construction of recombinant adenovirus vector of human wnt5a
H. TAN, L. PENG, C. WANG, and L. YE, West China School of Dentistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
1684  Fluocinolone Acetonide effects on Pulp Cell Proliferation and Collagen Synthesis
P. LOUWAKUL, P. PAVASANT, and V. LERTCHIRAKARN, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
1685  Effects of glypican-1 gene on the cultured rat pulp cells
Y.M. MASUDA, W. XIAOGU, Y. YAMADA, K. MATSUMOTO, and M. KOBAYASHI, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan
1686  Microarray-analysis of Pulpal Gene Expression in Response to Cavity Preparation
S. YOSHIOKA, Y. TAKAHASHI, S. IMAZATO, and S. EBISU, Osaka University, Japan
1687  Long-term simulated weightlessness impaired odontoblasts' synthetical ability and secretory activity
R. ZHANG, X.-R. ZHU, C.-B. ZHANG, and L. NI, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China
1688  Proliferation of Cell Types in Rat Incisors Responding to Injury
A.M. REFAI, J.E. WELLS, A. ELGER, and K. ROWLAND, Southern Illinois University, Alton, USA
1689  Disturbance of NFI-C Gene Induces Apoptosis and Cell-growth-Arrest in Odontoblasts
D.-S. LEE1, J.-T. PARK2, H.-J. KIM2, J.-S. KO1, H.-M. KIM1, H.-H. SON3, R.M. GRONSTAJSKI4, M.-I. CHO4, and J.-C. PARK1, 1Seoul National University, South Korea, 2Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea, 3Seoul National University School of Dentistry, South Korea, 4SUNY at Buffalo, NY, USA
1690  DSP and Collagen I Expression After Pulp Capping in Humans
H. FRANSSON, K. PETERSSON, and J.R. DAVIES, Malmö University, Sweden
1691  Location-dependent characteristics of dental pulp cells from porcine developing teeth
Y. SUMITA1, S. TSUCHIYA2, H. KAGAMI2, S.D. TRAN1, M. UEDA2, and M. HONDA3, 1McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 2The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan
1692  Differential Gene Expression in Primary and Secondary Dentinogenesis
S.R. SIMON1, A. SMITH2, P. LUMLEY2, A. BERDAL3, and P. COOPER2, 1University of Birmingham / University of Paris 7, United Kingdom, 2Birmingham University, United Kingdom, 3INSERM, Paris, France
1693  Response of Microvasculature of the Dental Pulp in Advanced Caries
N. HUNTER1, M. RAGHUNATH BANAVAR1, M. NADKARNI1, and H. ZOELLNER2, 1Westmead Center for Oral Health, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2Westmead Centre for Oral Health, Sydney, NSW, Australia
1694  Model characterization to study dental pulp stem cell differentiation
F.F. DEMARCO1, L. CASAGRANDE2, S.B.C. TARQUINIO1, Z.C. ZHANG3, Z. DONG3, B. ZEITLIN3, and J.E. NÖR3, 1Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil, 2Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
1695  Senescent dental pulp cells express decreased Bmi-1 and undergo hypermineralization
S. MEHRAZARIN, R.H. KIM, N.-H. PARK, and M.K. KANG, University of California - Los Angeles, USA
1696  Immatured dental pulp responses under hypoxic in vitro
S. SENZUI1, K. MATSUZAKA2, F. FUKUHARA1, M. YAKUSHIJI1, and T. INOUE1, 1Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan, 2Tokyo Dental college, Chiba, Japan
1697  Notch Signaling in the Dental Pulp
N. KAWASHIMA1, S. TAKAHASHI2, S. OKUHARA3, C. OHI1, H. SUN4, H. WANG1, J. XU1, K.-I. KATSUBE5, S. ARANY6, A. NAKATA7, T. SUGIYAMA7, and H. SUDA1, 1Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan, 2Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan, 3Tokyo Medical Dental Univ, Japan, 4Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China, 5Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Bunkyou-Ku, 6Akita University School of Medicine, 7Akita University School of Medicine, Japan
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