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| 1016 | 7-Day Clinical Trial Comparing Two at-Home Whitening Systems R.W. GERLACH, M.K. ANASTASIA, M.L. BARKER, S.K. FIEDLER, and J.K. CARSON, The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA |
| 1017 | Clinical efficiency of home whitening agents A. ISHIKAWA, Y. ISHII, and I. OKADA, Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan |
| 1018 | Clinical effectiveness of over-the-counter bleaching systems J.A. RODRIGUES, E.R. TOYOSHINA, A. CASSONI, and A.F. REIS, Guarulhos University, Brazil |
| 1019 | Color change with two commercial tooth whiteners and a placebo W.D. BROWNING, D. CHAN, W.W. BRACKETT, and M.G. BRACKETT, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA |
| 1020 | Clinical Comparison of Dissolving and Non-dissolving Marketed Whitening Strips M.T. FEIZ1, F. GARCIA-GODOY1, C. GARCIA-GODOY1, M.L. BARKER2, D.L. BOOKER2, S. FARRELL2, and R.W. GERLACH2, 1Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2The Procter & Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA |
| 1021 | Relative Efficacy of Two Marketed Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Strips J. ROTHROCK1, C.E. GARCIA-GODOY1, F. GARCIA-GODOY1, R.W. GERLACH2, M.L. BARKER2, S. FARRELL2, and M.K. ANASTASIA2, 1Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2The Procter & Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA |
| 1022 | Clinical Evaluation of Dissolving Whitening Strips and a Marketed Control J.F. SIMON1, J. HARRISON1, L. POWELL1, S. FARRELL2, R.W. GERLACH2, L.A. BOWMAN2, and M.L. BARKER2, 1University of Tennessee, Memphis, USA, 2The Procter & Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA |
| 1023 | Clinical Evaluation of In-Office Whitening System S. KIM-PUSATERI, S. CIANCIO, and M. BESSINGER, State University of New York - Buffalo, USA |
| 1024 | Effect of preoperative Ibuprofen on tooth sensitivity from in-office bleaching P. CHARAKORN, L. CABANILLA, W. WAGNER, W.-C. FOONG, J. SHAHEEN, R. PREGITZER, and D. SCHNEIDER, University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA |
| 1025 | Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial with Combined Whitening Strips and Dentifrice R.W. GERLACH1, M.L. BARKER1, D.L. BOOKER1, H. SHAHIDI1, and L. ARCHILA2, 1The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA, 2University of Texas - San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA |
| 1026 | Clinical Efficacy of the e-Bright Tooth Whitening Accelerator Home Edition Y.-F. REN1, R. CACCIATO1, L. NING1, and H. MALMSTROM2, 1University of Rochester Eastman Dental Center, NY, USA, 2Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, NY, USA |
| 1027 | In-Office Bleaching Gel-Application Time Evaluation (3x15min X 1x45min) : Pilot studies F.C. MARSON1, L.G. SENSI2, H. STRASSLER2, L. MIRAZIZ2, and H. RIEHL3, 1Uningá Dental School, Maringá, Brazil, 2University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA, 3H.R.B. USP, Bauru, Brazil |
| 1028 | In-Office Bleaching Gel Application Times: Clinical Evaluation F.C. MARSON1, L.G. SENSI2, H. STRASSLER2, H. RIEHL3, and R. REIS4, 1Uningá Dental School, Maringá, Brazil, 2University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA, 3H.R.B. USP, Bauru, Brazil, 4UnigranRio, Rio de janeiro, Brazil |
| 1029 | Effects of Home-Use Bleaching Gels on Enamel Gloss and Roughness S.S. LEE, H. LU, W. ZHANG, C. VANDERVOORT, J. KIM, and Y. LI, Loma Linda University, CA, USA |
| 1030 | A Thermal Investigation During Dental Bleaching in Vitro Study W. KABBACH1, D.M. ZEZELL2, T.M. PEREIRA2, F.G. ALBERO2, F. NOGUEIRA1, and M. FERRAREZI1, 1Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil, 2Center for Lasers and Applications IPEN - CNEN / SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
| 1031 | Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy of Bleached Enamel and Dentin R.L. VON KOPPENFELS1, H. GOETZ2, H. DUSCHNER2, D.J. WHITE3, and M. KLUKOWSKA3, 1Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 2Medical Faculty Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 3The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA |
| 1032 | Fluoride and Calcium-Phosphate Effects on Fracture Toughness of Bleached Dentin M. CIPOLLA, E.A. RYAN, and L.E. TAM, University of Toronto, Canada |
| 1033 | Transdentinal cytotoxic effects of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide C.A. DE SOUZA COSTA1, C. HUCK1, E.A. CAMPOS2, and J. HEBLING1, 1São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil, 2University of Araraquara - UNIARA, Brazil |
| 1034 | Effect of Bleaching on IL-1B and IL-10 in Gingival Crevicular Fluid S. GURGAN1, E. YAZICI1, Ö. YÜCE2, E. ERCAN2, F. CAKIR1, and E. BERKER2, 1Hacettepe University, School of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey, 2Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey |