website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #246 Friday, July 4, 2008

3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Oral Epithelial and Cancer Biology
2773  A Role for the Chemokine Receptor CXCR2 in Oral Cancer
J. ROMANINI1, P.C. LEAL2, D.S. PINTO JR3, D.S. SANTOS1, J.B. CALIXTO2, E.L. BATISTA JR.1, and M.M. CAMPOS1, 1Pontificia Un Catolica Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, 3Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
2774  Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ) in cancer patients
J. KATZ, T. GEORGE, Jr., P. SANDOW, M. MACHADO, T. KHAN, S. GILLIS, L. DICKERSON, J. MAZZARELLA, and J. MOREB, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
2775  Subclinical Necrotic-Bodies Detected by CBCT in IV Bisphosphonate-treated Cancer patients
C. BARRAGAN-ADJEMIAN1, L. LAUSTEN2, V. KUMAR1, G.R. WELCH1, M.L. JOHNSON1, and L.F. BONEWALD1, 1University of Missouri -Kansas City, USA, 2University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
2776  Hsp90 Physically Interacts with hTERT Promoter and Enhances hTERT Expression
R.H.-K. KIM1, R. KIM2, S. HU2, K.-H. SHIN3, N.-H. PARK4, and M.K. KANG4, 1UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2University of California - Los Angeles, USA, 3UCLA School of Dentistry CHS43-033, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 4University of California Los Angeles, USA
2777  Antibacterial activity against MRSA from
S.-I. JEONG1, K.-Y. YU1, T.-H. KWON1, J.-G. CHOI2, Y.-H. YUN3, M.-G. HWANG3, and K.-J. KIM3, 1Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, South Korea, 2National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service, Jeonju, South Korea, 3Wonkwang University, Chonbuk, South Korea
2778  Human Odontoma-Derived Cells with Neural Stem Cell and Regenerative Properties
J.-S. SONG, D. STEFANIK, M. DAMEK-POPRAWA, F. ALAWI, and S.O. AKINTOYE, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, USA
2779  Isolation of activity compounds against oral pathogens from
K.-J. KIM1, Y.-H. YUN1, H.-D. MOON2, M.-G. HWANG1, and S.-I. JEONG3, 1Wonkwang University, Chonbuk, South Korea, 2Wonkwang University, Iksan, Chonbuk, South Korea, 3Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju, Chonbuk, South Korea
2780  Evaluation of Adenoid cystic and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma by immunohistochemistry
N. SAGHRAVANIAN, Mashhad University of Medical school and reaserch center, Iran, and N. MOHTASHAM, Mashhad dental faculty of Mashhad university of medical sciences, Iran
2781  Serum Th1/Th2 cytokines and clinical characteristics in primary Sjögren's syndrome
A.N.M. NAZMUL-HOSSAIN1, E.S. EMAMIAN1, J.W. BAUER1, S.L. MYERS1, N.L. RHODUS1, and K.L. MOSER2, 1University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, 2University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, USA
2782  Radioprotective Effects of Bmi-1 for Normal Human Keratinocytes
R. KIM, R.H. KIM, K.-H. SHIN, N.-H. PARK, and M.K. KANG, University of California - Los Angeles, USA
2783  Immunohistochemical Analysis of Amelotin Expression in Ameloblastomas
D.P. STOLF, G. BRADLEY, and B. GANSS, University of Toronto, Canada
2784  Effects of Systemic Dexamethasone Premedication on Experimental Oral Mucositis
M. DAVARMANESH1, M. MARDANI1, H. MIRKHANI2, A. MONABBATI2, N. TANIDEH2, and M. KHALGHOLLAH3, 1Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Dental School, Iran, 2Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Medical School, Iran, 3Shiraz Health Center, Iran
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