website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #299 Saturday, July 5, 2008

1:45 PM-3:00 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Oral Cancer, Soft-tissue Lesions, Arterial Plaque
3215  1H NMR-Based Metabonomic Analysis for Detection of Oral cancer
J. ZHOU, B. XU, W. LI, J. HUANG, L. XIAO, J. XUE, J. LU, and X. KONG, State Key Laboratory of Stomatology(Sichuan University), Chengdu, China
3217  Clinical significance of carotid artery calcification detected by panoramic radiographs
O.S. KIM1, S.J. YOON1, W. YOON1, J.-S. LEE1, P.J. MARTIN2, and B.C. KANG1, 1Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea, 2Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
3218  Diagnostic significance of direct immunofluorescence in oral lichen planus
W. BUAJEEB, N. OKUMA, T. LAOTHUMTHUT, and S. THANAKUN, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
3219  Study Designs and Efficacy Levels in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology
M.J. PATEL, I.H. KIM, and M.L. KANTOR, New Jersey Dental School UMDNJ, Newark, USA
3220  Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry Analyzing Heavy Metal Concentration in Teeth
T.C. HARDY1, A. RAMDATH1, N. LOH1, S. THORROLD2, and R.J. CHAPMAN1, 1Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA, 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA
3221  Detection of biomarker for periodontal disease using a microchip
M. KATAOKA1, M. HINO1, S. YATSUSHIRO1, M. BANDO2, T. KANIE3, M. KATAYAMA3, and J.-I. KIDO2, 1Health Technology Research Center, Nano-bioanalysis Team, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Takamatsu, Japan, 2Periodontology and Endodontology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School, Japan, 3Sumitomo Electric Industries, LTD, Yokohama, Japan
3222  Stress Analysis of the Mandibular Premolar Teeth in Molarless Patients
T. KONDO1, N. WAKABAYASHI1, T. SUZUKI1, A. SAWADA1, N. ODA1, M. ONA2, and Y. IGARASHI2, 1Iwate Medical University, Japan, 2Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
3223  p53 and TP53 during rat oral carcinogenesis induced by 4NQO
E.M. MINICUCCI1, D.A. RIBEIRO2, G.N. SILVA1, J. GUIMARÃES1, and D.M.F. SALVADORI1, 1Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Botucatu, Brazil, 2University of Sao Paulo, Penapolis, SP, Brazil
3224  Accuracy of Endodontists and General Dental Practitioners in Periapical Diagnosis
I. ORAFI, A. QUALTROUGH, and V. RUSHTON, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
3225  Photodynamic Diagnosis and Therapy of Oral Neoplasia using Toluidine Blue
P. WILDER-SMITH1, M.J. HAMMER-WILSON1, J. PHARAR1, H. KAWAKAMI-WONG1, and J. EPSTEIN2, 1University of California Irvine, USA, 2University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
3226  Single-domain-antibody self-assembled nanoparticles for molecular imaging of oral cancers
Y.-L. CHEN1, J.-B. ZHANG2, W.-Y. HSIEH3, C.-S. YEH4, P.-C. WU4, and D.-B. SHIEH1, 1National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine, Tainan, Taiwan, 2National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 3ITRI, Chu Tung City, Taiwan, 4National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
3227  Genetic Variations in Indian Tobacco consumers to Oral Cancer
L.B. SINGH, Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, India, and S.F.D. PAUL, Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, Ireland
3228  CD4 Cells: It'S Importance for Oral Lesions in HIV Patients
H.C. GALVÃO, D.F.S. PACHECO, M.A. GORDÓN-NÚÑEZ, K.G. LUZ, and R.A. FREITAS, Rio Grande do Norte Federal University, Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
3229  Arterial Plaque on Digital Panoramic Radiographs in a Dutch Population
P.F. VAN DER STELT, and A.M. DARROUDI, ACTA Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
3230  Assay for erosivity of foodstuffs and effectiveness of dental products
C. LONGBOTTOM1, E.L. PERFECT2, C.A. ROWLEY-WILLIAMS2, V. MAGDALENIC2, and N.B. PITTS3, 1Dundee Dental School, United Kingdom, 2LUX DS, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3University of Dundee, United Kingdom
3231  Reproducibility of facial skin and mandibular gingival laser Doppler flowmetry
J. SVALESTAD1, S. HELLEM1, A. IRGENS2, G. VAAGBØ2, and E. THORSEN1, 1University of Bergen, Norway, 2Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway
3232  Regulation of RAGE by sRAGE in human salivary gland cells
C.E. CHUONG, J. KATZ, M. BULOSAN, K. YO, and S. CHA, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
3233  Optical coherence tomography detects and semi-quantifies early mucositic change
H. KAWAKAMI-WONG1, S. GUO1, J. ZHANG1, J. SU1, J. EPSTEIN2, Z. CHEN1, and P. WILDER-SMITH1, 1University of California- Irvine, USA, 2University of Illinois-Chicago, USA
3234  Prevalence of Neck ,Back and Low-Back Pain in Orthodontists
V. ASKARI, M.O.G, Shiraz, Iran, and K. MINA, Shiraz Dental School, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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