1:45 PM-3:00 PM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster |
Pulp Assessment and Clinical Studies |
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| 3059 | Effect of Er:YAG , Nd:YAG Lasers & Bur on Intrapulpal Temperature R.N. DAYEM, College of Dentistry / University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq |
| 3060 | Development of Basic Endodontic Treatment (BET) - 6 Month Clinical Results R.A. JORDAN, A. HOLZNER, L. MARKOVIC, and P. GAENGLER, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany |
| 3061 | Measuring Parameters for Working Length Determination with the Impedance Method J. JAN, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and D. KRIžAJ, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
| 3062 | Efficacy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography for Detecting Canal Lumina N. CHUGAL, C. MAUPIN, D. ELASHOFF, T.-L. CHANG, G. LONGHURST, M.K. KANG, and S. WHITE, University of California - Los Angeles, USA |
| 3063 | WITHDRAWN |
| 3064 | Comparison of traditional and novel endodontic obturation techniques L. MARKOVIC, L. VESPERMANN, R. BEER, R.A. JORDAN, and P. GAENGLER, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany |
| 3065 | Evaluation of Obturation by volumetric analysis using Spiral CT M.S. MUTHU, M. PHANIBABU, and D. KANDASWAMY, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, TN, India |
| 3066 | Clinical Evaluation of Local Infiltration Technique of Lower Mandibular Teeth M. SOO-AMPON, S. LERTTHIRAPHAN, T. TRIRATANA, S. SOO-AMPON, and N. VONGSAVAN, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand |
| 3067 | Effect of tooth preparation on LDF signals from pulp S. WANACHANTARARAK1, T. MALISORN1, S. CHAN-IN1, S. CHINTAKANAN1, S. BOONPRASERT1, N. VONGSAVAN2, and B. MATTHEWS3, 1Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3University of Bristol, United Kingdom |
| 3068 | Pulp response after CO2 laser irradiation to rat exposed dentin S. MURAKAMI, D.-H. LEE, S.Z. KHAN, S. TAKANO, M. TSURUOKA, H. TOKIKAWA, K. MATSUZAKA, and T. INOUE, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan |
| 3069 | Pain and Swelling Related to One-step Pulp Treatment in Children M. LIU, S. LI, E. CHEN, Q. XU, Y. WEI, and J. ZHANG, West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu, China |
| 3070 | Pulp Space Obliteration Potential after Reimplantation of Avulsed Immature Teeth A. ABD-ELMEGUID1, M. ABDELDAYEM2, and D. YU1, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2Practising Orthodontist (Egypt), Edmonton, Canada |
| 3071 | Assessment of Apical Seal Using Three Condensation Techniques A. AL YAHYA, and S. KHATTAB, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia |
| 3072 | Periapical repair after endodontic treatment with different root canal sealers M. TANOMARU-FILHO, J.M.G. TANOMARU, M.R. LEONARDO, and L.A. SILVA, Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil |
| 3073 | Root resorption identification and accuracy of two digital radiographic systems D.Z. REIS1, G. LEANDRO1, G. ROSSI-FEDELE2, and J.A.P. FIGUEIREDO3, 1Centrodonto Montenegro, RS, Brazil, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2Private Practice, London, United Kingdom, 3Pontificia Un Catolica Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil |
| 3074 | Defects in EndoSequence new Instruments : A SEM Study (Pilot Study) U. RUIZ1, L. FABELA1, I. JIMENEZ1, C. CENTENO1, and E. SAMANO2, 1Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Metepec, Mexico, 2Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Metepec, Mexico |
| 3075 | Surgical vs. non-surgical endodontic retreatments: A PennEndo database study N. KARNEY, and M. IQBAL, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA |
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